[@Blueflame] He stared at a bag sitting on the table against the wall. He just stood there for several minutes debating in his head what he should do before he reached for the zipper, only to pull his hand back. [i][color=a187be]'What if he realizes someone was into his stuff?... he'll know it was me.'[/color][/i] his tail flicked behind him in frustration. [i][color=a187be]'I can just take one thing, doesn't matter what is, it can be the most easily replaceable thing like... like a pencil.'[/color][/i] his hands clenched. [i][color=a187be]'But wait, he likes to draw... he needs pencils to do that... don't artists usually have very special pencils for drawing?'[/color][/i] he chewed on his thumb nail. [i][color=a187be]'Maybe I could just take a peek. Looking never hurt anybody... oh but there's probably so many interesting little things in there.'[/color][/i] Kaeden suddenly wished he had just gone to lunch.