Simone did not bother to look at Yuki as she spoke "If there are demons, it is because the designs of man have brought them into this world. Based on the present situation, I think my plans are not the ones that you should be most concerned about at the moment." Senses told her about the carnage within the structure, natural and supernatural of such strength that it was impossible to ignore. Still, Simone's face remained an unchanging mask of calm, even as she made preparations to leave. Of course she knew that Yukie was asking for help, but it was not in her nature to offer an obvious gesture. She continued "It's tragic how much time we spend teaching children that demons are the source of our problems, as if they can only be the result of some outside force rebelling against the norms of the universe. The world has no will or grand design of it's own." By a coincidence to perfect to be mere chance without outside aid, a taxi driver pulled into the lot, tired from his long shift and ignorant of the danger. He stepped out of the car to stretch. "That is not to say that it lacks a sense of humor." Simone pointed to it with one finger, suggesting the obvious benefits of procuring it as a means of escape. She started her own car, getting ready to roll out of the parking lot and expecting some of those escaping to follow her.