[h1][color=royalblue][center][img]http://t02.deviantart.net/22Rgt0gblSi_IukwT9Ahe-p82zg=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre15/600e/th/pre/i/2014/201/a/2/giacomo_crescentii_by_kazuyalord-d7rhlf9.jpg[/img] Elias[/center][/color][/h1][hr] The Grimm followed Alexis silently, trusting in Hundar's training to keep them undetected. Despite his immense size, he was able to walk silently, stepping around any conspicuous objects that would cause noise. The forest was quiet, any sounds of wildlife muted by the dense surrounding foliage. As the two dismounted and slowly prowled through the woods, Elias sniffed softly, catching the fleeting scent of a creature near them. He was unable to properly identify it, but the Wesen presence was unmistakable. [color=f6989d]"I know you are here. Come out come out wherever you are."[/color] Alexis voice was soft and deadly, the predatory note clearly showing through. Elias' face became like stone, his jaw clenching tightly as he pulled out his scythe, the chain clinking softly as he readied himself, preparing for the fight. As Alexis prowled forward, Elias silently slipped away, plunging sideways into the forest to loop around. As he went, the faint smell of honeysuckle and alluring aromas reached the Grimm's nostrils, detectable only due to his enhanced senses. The color of the forest shifted slightly, turning the greens to browns and the yellows to reds. Whether the forest was physically changing appearance or the bloodlust was altering his vision, Elias was unsure. But the change was evident, and very real. A soft trill resounded through the forest, floating towards the pair on the gentle breeze. Elias' muscles tightened as he felt a deep unease in the pit of his stomach. There was hardly a creature that scared Elias throughout all of Wesenkind, however the magical presence of the creatures was one that Elias had felt rarely, and it always signified trouble. Elias opened his mouth to shout a warning to Alexis, however the wind immediately tore through the trees, ripping the voice from his throat and tossing it aside. Elias sank his scythe into a tree beside him and clung onto it for dear life, barely able to keep his footing in the harsh gales billowing through the trees. The soft trill that had been echoing through the forest became a piercing shriek, combining with the scream of the wind to produce an unearthly wail that ran chills down Elias spine. A primal growl tore its way out of the hunter's chest, however it was barely audible over the noise. The shrieks of the creatures increased tendfold as the first of the woodlands sprites appeared.[hider=Spriggan][center][img]http://img12.deviantart.net/22dd/i/2014/199/0/1/spriggan_by_zouilleuh_drawing-d7r8pe1.png[/img][/center][/hider] Elias ears began to ache at the piercing noises, however he ignored it, searching for the nearest moving thing. A vague flick of motion out of the corner of his eye signaled that Alexis was still on her feet and fighting against the wind, however he ignored it as he ripped his scythe from the tree and charged the Spriggan, his blade slashing out in an arc against the creature. The sprite raised its arm, summoning leaves, branches, and roots to its aid as the forest itself lashed out against Elias, ensnaring his blade mid-air and attempting to yank it from his grasp. Leaping forward with the scythe, the Grimm kept his grasp on his weapon, sailing over the knot of wood and plants that held his scythe and kicking the Spriggan in the chest. With a single, fluid motion, Elias sliced through the bonds that held his weapon and cleaved a good chunk of bark off of the Spriggan, shouting over his shoulder to Alexis in a brutal scream as more trills began resounding from the woods around them. [color=royalblue]"Spriggan pod! They have magic!"[/color] [@Wick]