[hider=Shadow Broker Post] [b]Email to Raik Barat, two days before arrival on Lafayette Station[/b] [i]Hi Barat, it's me again. Just wanted to update you on what's happened the past few weeks. Got my ass absolutely handed to me. I know, I know 'you shouldn't have put yourself in that situation', but what did you expect me to do? I had a cliff at my back and an angry smuggler at my front. From what the others tell me it was touch and go for a minute there. But I pulled through, and I'm getting lessons from Tanya (the loud one with the death metal music) on how to avoid getting my ass kicked in a fist fight again, and Dex (the promiscuous turian) on how to shoot them properly before they get close enough for that. So I'll finally get that gun training you were whining about forever. We're about to head to Lafayette station to get Drono's (the insane drell who has an obsession explosives) back fixed. He's had a bullet grinding against it for the past few years and now it's caught up to him. Only problem is, his friend who shot him in the back (long story) wants him definitely dead and has a couple Eclipse keeping an eye on the hospital we need to bring him too. On an Eclipse owned station. You know me, I didn't take much persuading to help him. I was ready in an instant. The others required more details before going in. We've a plan and we're going to try to get it done with little to no violence. I'll message you when we're done. You know, I have a good feeling about this crew. Like when I ran with the Furies. Requiescat in pace, SM.[/i] [b]First mission of Raik Barat and Serena Mathews, alleyway before main target. Security camera, DATA LOST.[/b] [i]RB drags SM into alleyway, tossing her against the wall.[/i] RB: What in Aralakh's eye were you thinking? SM: He was getting mugged, what was I suppo- RB: You're [i]supposed[/i] to stay on mission! SM: I can't just let him get hurt or die! RB: Yes you can. He's not your problem. He's not even your species. Now stay here, while I go fix your mess. SM: What does that mean? [i]RB does not respond, beginning to head out of the alleyway[/i] SM: Barat! [b]What does that mean?[/b] [i]She crafts a biotic barrier in front of the alleyway, essentially trapping them both.[/i] SM: Answer me! RB: I'm going to kill him and the muggers you left, to make sure we have next to no trace left behind after this mission. SM: No you're not! Let them wake up and go on their way. RB: And you're going to stop me? [i]He leans in intimidatingly close. She leans just as close in.[/i] SM: Yes I am. [i]A few tense moments of silence follow, then RB chuckles.[/i] RB: Fine. Have it your way. I won't touch a pretty hair on their heads. SM: You promise? [i]She extends a pinky towards him. RB looks bemused, then extends his third finger towards her. The two shake, and the barrier falls. They head out into the city.[/i] [/hider] Serena had bags under her eyes. It had been a long week and half, with almost no sleep and seemingly endless coding. By the end of it, she couldn't even muster the energy to nag some of the others for their terrible security. She had spent all of yesterday catching up on sleep, shoving in earbuds as she rolled into her makeshift bed in the hangar. Fortunately, Tanya kept her blaring death metal to a minimum and Serena slept like the dead, waking up only when Vellios shook her as they pulled into the docking bay of Lafayette station. She sipped her coffee, eyeing all the LOKI bots and the few organic guards that guarded the entrance. She was in civilian clothes, worn pants with a grease stained shirt. She rolled her eyes as Vellios leaned against the wall next to her. [color=hotpink]"You'll be fine you big baby. You'd be stripped of your knives as soon as the scanners sensed them anyway, and they'd be more of a hassle than anything else. You want several dozen of those amazingly well built and beautiful LOKIs coming down on you with guns raised? That'd give the mission up before it even began. Then we'd get in a fire fight and the Eclipse would kill all of us because there is no way in hell that we'd be allowed to leave. So just calm down, and try not to flinch when someone moves near you."[/color] She watched as another LOKI walked past and sighed wistfully. [color=hotpink]"Can't we steal one on the way out? I'm sure I could rip out anything that would have the Eclipse tracking it?" She glanced at Vellios's face and her shoulders slumped in defeat. "I know, I know, we can't take the risk. But, if one just [i]happens[/i] to stumble onto the ship, it won't be our fault now will it?"[/color] She held up her free hand. [color=hotpink]"Don't worry, they'll all stay here, free of my influence to bring them into a loving home.[/color] She waited while the others filed their way through the checkpoints, a few of them carrying the crates of the groups weapons and gear. Serena held her breath and muttered prayers as each went through the check point. When it finally came her turn to head through the checkpoint, she drew in a deep breath and looked at Vellios, smiling. [color=hotpink]"Wish me luck!"[/color] She headed towards the checkpoint, carrying her own container of gear. As she grew closer she muttered one last prayer under her breath, praying her progarm will block the scanner one last time, before putting on a smile. The guard's tone was bored as he checked her scans. "Name?" [color=hotpink]"Patrica Doyle."[/color] Serena answered immediately. She'd been practicing the entire time she'd been waiting. It didn't stop her heart from pounding as she waited to be discovered and shot. "Purpose of visit?" [color=hotpink]"I heard that this was a good place to set up shop. I've been repairing medical equipment since I could hold a tool. Figure a place like this could use my skills. Brought all my tools with me."[/color] She gestured to the container as it was being scanned by a LOKI. The guard grunted something under his breath that Serena couldn't quite catch. "Alright, everything checks out. Keep the biotics to a bare minimum and we won't have any problems." Serena kept herself from heaving a sigh of relief. Everything had worked! [color=hotpink]"Thank you!"[/color] She grabbed her container and moved on, hopefully before anyone saw how shaky she was. She stationed herself a short distance away in a small cafe and brought up her omni-tool. She smiled as she got Dex's message. [color=hotpink]"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. Just gonna sit here in this cafe and access their LOKI network. Someone needs to swing by and grab my crate of gear though. I'm at the [i]Doctor's Order[/i] Cafe. I might be able to give you some eyes on the ground with the LOKI, cause some false alarms, get some allies if necessary, or even just cause them all to do something crazy like start restraining eclipse members. I'll definitely will be able to stop them from all rushing us if we get discovered."[/color] She brought up the network security and smiled. [color=hotpink]"Oooh. This'll be fun."[/color]