[h3][center][color=ec008c]Ayana[/color][/center][/h3] Ayana gasped when she saw the violence unfold. At first she was too stunned to stop Esailia from charging at the strange tattooed stowaway, but once she saw the mithra hit the ground, she ran over to try to give her a hand. [color=ec008c]"No, no, we shouldn't be fighting each other!"[/color] she yelled, a quiver of fear in her voice for what would happen if the party immediately shattered and started killing one another. She bent down and put an arm around Esailia to try to help her sit up. [color=ec008c]"I think Rintor's right. At least let him explain why he was in the box before you go around stabbing people."[/color] She kept her hands on Esailia, prepared to hold her back if she needed to should the mithra decide to lose it again and go at the man. As they spoke, the sun finally touched the horizon, and the orange sky started to fade into a deep red. Ayana curiously glanced at the grass. It was starting to look less green. Maybe it was just the dimming light...