Would anyone ever be interested in anything like that? Just finished Injustice 2, and it feels like doing something of this nature would be great and fun to roleplay in. Just using characters already established in the D.C. universe, but in this alternate universe where characters are different in ways from small to large like say Superman is evil, Batman is Thomas Wayne, Scarecrow is one of the world's leading psychologists, Flash wears green and hates tacos, etc. Everybody would be able to create their own "lore"/tweaks and changes to the character they choose. I think it'd be really interesting and a lot of fun. I haven't seen anything like it so far, and I get that most Superhero RP's have OC's but using the pre-existing characters is a nice change of pace plus you can add so much flavor to the characters which gives people so much more freedom. Just imagine how cool tweaking origin stories and character traits would be! You can go crazy or be reserved! Like if you've seen Flashpoint Paradox you'd know how great it can be. Of course I'm not the kinda gal that could ever be seen running and managing a roleplay. I'm throwing this out there to see who's interested and as sort of a request, I guess, to anybody who feels like making a roleplay? I feel like this could be great if it was in capable hands. Of course when it comes to the characters and lore there'd have to be a bunch of discussion and set up, like if someone wants to be an Aquaman that decides he wants to conquer the Earth than he can't just pop up out of nowhere and the other characters somehow be shocked, they'd already know about it by establishing the lore in the OOC or whatever. I'm not a pro at all this by any means, but I think a proper DC comics AU/multiverse/Injustice/Crisis roleplay would be great and a nice change of pace. Hopefully someone agrees!