Pridopus stared down at this young girl, who already seemed like she was taking the whole "constantly surrounded by mysterious guards" thing quite well, considering. Pridopus had noticed the guards handing out a series of brightly-colored pamphlets around to some of the restaurant patrons as time went on, and although Pridopus themself didn't receive one (yet), they could already guess what the contents would be. In their travels, they'd come across quite a few fringe religions - one could argue that they [i]were[/i] part of a fringe religion, at one point - but a little girl as their...goddess? [i]Seriously?[/i] Pridopus shook their head, bringing their focus back on...Sen, as she introduced herself. She'd mentioned something about...the end of the universe? What was that supposed to mean? (As, aside from the brightly flashing lights, Pridopus hadn't even noticed the literal end of time occurring just outside the restaurant's many, many windows. Astonishing, really.) [color=a187be]"Yes, it's quite nice in here..."[/color] they began, staring down at their octorapie with barely concealed desire. [color=a187be]"But what exactly do you mean by 'the end of the universe'? I'm not exactly here by [i]choice,[/i] anyhow..."[/color] [hider=STATUS] [b]STARVING[/b] Location: The bar in the Restaurant at the End of the Universe Interacting with: Sen ([@Man Jack Frost]) Inventory: Morningstar (in pouch, attached to belt) [/hider]