"It's been pretty much what I expected," Alto replied coolly. "A little bit tough, a little bit dangerous... I haven't been involved in a major incident yet so I don't really know the extent of it." When you made the decision to become a public Epic, there was obviously a lot to keep in mind. Alto had a bit more to worry about than some other Epics, not just because of his power but also because of who he was without it. Physically he was a completely average person. His mutation started and stopped with his left arm, so the rest of his body was quite weak in comparison. He had to tread carefully when it came to any encounter, which was why he'd waited a few years in-between deciding to become a hero and actually doing it. Going in blind was a recipe for disaster, and he had the time. He wanted to help people, and when you helped people you needed to help them well or else their problems might just happen again. He started when he felt he was absolutely ready for it, and it going as expected was just about the best outcome he could've hoped for. "You done anything big recently besides the Fitch building?" He asked. [@Polaris North]