"You'll get there. Don't look forward to it." Fixer said while fixing the cuff of his suit, to ease the memories. He remembered his first major incident. Two people died that day. He was a beginner back then. He lost his grip on his powers at that very moment and the building collapsed on top of them. His comrades simply patted him on the back, sympathizing with his pain of letting someone die. There were no other heroes back then to help with that particular building - it was a pretty big incident after all. "But if that ever comes up, remember, you've got allies. Try not to do anything rash." He then looked up and then turned his head towards Dragon Heart's general direction. "Unless you're that guy. He can practically handle anything." He said with a shrug before looking back at Vice. Obviously, Vice was not nearly as powerful as Dragon Heart. He would put him up to the level of Stark Crusader who had super strength though Dragon Heart was more well-known. He took a two brownies from the passing waiters before offering one to Vice. It was chocolate brownies. Once Vice accepted, Fixer would look away, raise his mask ever so slightly and popped the entire brownie inside his mouth before bringing his mask down again and looking at Vice as he shot another question. He raised one finger as he chewed his brownie. Wow, this was hard. He gulped and then brought the finger down. "Sorry. I wasn't exactly at the Fitch building. As you have heard, there was already a ton of heroes there so my team got deployed on another part of the city, following the destruction the battle caused. That building just held the most victims but they got that handled." He then hummed in thought, realizing that he hadn't answered the question properly. "Aside from a bomb threat we helped out on and a robbery... nothing much." [@RoflsMazoy]