The waiter who came in to bring the young goddess her meal had four arms and two heads who couldn't stop glancing and glaring at each other, at least until John glared back at them, after which they put up a smile and served the goddess Sen her plate: toasts, with sugars and chocolate chips. They discreetly went back to the kitchen, the two heads still looking like they want to strangle each other. John turned his attention back to the rest of the bar. Seemed like everyone has somebody to talk to, which was excellent. Even the odd schoolgirl was fine having a talk with Mr. Trouble and Mr. Normal, who somehow seemed to be fine glaring at each other like the two-headed waiter, instead of going at each other throat. The robot-ghost didn't seem so shy anymore, as he was talking on about his theory on oddities with the Authoress: "[i]And you're not the only one that looks normal, but isn't- take that small child and her two guards, or the bartender.[/i]" Oh no, John wanted to say, I am [i]very[/i] ordinary, relatively, by some frame of reference. But it's not his place to change someone else's frame of thought, so he turned instead to the fabric dwarf and his new friend the goddess. [i]"But what exactly do you mean by 'the end of the universe'?"[/i] he was saying. "Ah, hmm," John started. "Maybe you ought to finish your meal before looking behind you, then." He gestured at the windows, where the universe was performing its final fireworks. "Or look behind you before you start eating." [hr] [hider=Situation Notes] [b]People on the bar:[/b] Conversing: - Cledwynn Magouloura, a half-ghost half-mechanical, a bit tense. - The Authoress, who looks like a teenage girl but probably not really one Conversing: - Pridopus, a short figure covered entirely in fabric, awfully hungry. - Sen, an omnipotent little girl, waiting for her meal while chatting up Pridopus Conversing-ish?: - Sandy Cane, a space bounty huntress, having her fries and hot dog. - Ziggletrox the Destroyer, a dragon-shaped amoeba, perpetually drunk. Conversing: - Levi, a bearded 33-year-old man in a sports jacket, sulking. - Abigail, an Author's Ambassador, also an angry woman in a dress. - The Infamous, flanked by scantily-armoured drow and vampire. - Yylya, a teenage elven girl On a table: - Sen's guards, having drinks [b]Other Staffs:[/b] - Robin, a human waitress, currently behind the bar. [/hider]