[quote=@Bishop] Explain the appeal of consoles over PC. Seriously, these plebs need to upgrade their shack! [/quote] PC gaming is very configurable because there are a lot (LOT) of buttons. This is obviously nice in a lot of situations (I can turn on the windshield wipers in Battlefield), but also kinda sucks, because it feels like every damn day I have to open the control menu to find out which button I push to do some random thing, and/or spend half an hour setting everything up differently. I also have to fiddle with the display options to optimize everything for my unique combination of components, keep up with driver updates, and balance ten different launchers (was that game on Steam or Origin or Ubisoft? Wait shit it's battle.net. I mean no, shit, it was this other thing....) Online gaming is way more hit-or-miss than it should be; ports are often clumsy, the ridiculously massive game library is obviously a big plus but let's be honest, the VERY GOOD games are also on console; modding adds a TON of enjoyment to games, but again I spend more time fucking with the mods than I spend actually playing the modded game, so in the end that's kind of a wash. Now with a CONSOLE, I flop down on the couch, press the PS button, and I'm in. It's fucking simple in all the right ways -- okay yeah, I'm losing some FPS and my graphics could be sharper -- but I'm playing on the big screen, sprawled out on a recliner with my entertainment system's 7.1 surround. It's hard to care. Online support all runs through the same service, reliably (I can play three games with friends on PS in the same time it takes to launch one decent battlefield party out of the goddamn internet browser for some fucking reason on PC). Hackers get their systems deactivated because there's uniform hardware and everything's easy to spot. TL:DR -- people who care deeply about performance, who get enjoyment out of maximum performance, yeah, play on PC -- I can appreciate that. I just care about gaming. PC is like cooking a meal and Console is like eating for free at a nice restaurant -- I don't have to work for it, and even though I don't get to fuck with the little details, it's still delicious.