Kusari had left the scene of the battle with the enemy mages. She was frustrated beyond words, she didn't know whether she should be pissed off or bawling her eyes out. She had really hoped that no one would die this time, but as much as she tried to curb her expectations there was always that last bit of hope that got to her. Savannah was dead, she'd noticed how broken her body was as Allison picked her up. How many times would she have to see an ally die? How many times would she promise herself that she would do better? She was sick of it. At this rate she could only believe that she'd be forced to watch as everyone she knew died. Maybe it would be better to just avoid getting close to people after all. On her way back to the diner Kusari stopped by the overturned collector. The people that were held captive were still there on the street, though it looked like less of them were moving. She moved her tentacle over to bodies that still looked intact, but were immobile. Many of them still had a pulse, though she didn't know how much longer they would still be alive. It would have taken Lily far too long to heal all of them, she was sure she'd made the right decision. She fumbled with the phone given to her, and called command. [color=662d91]"You can see where I am, right? There are civilians here that need medical treatment... Over."[/color] She put the phone away and let out a sigh. It was a tad disturbing how little she seemed to care about them. Was she supposed to just be the bigger person and forgive the regulars that either ignored or wished subnaturals death? Apparently she wasn't that good of a person. She made her way into the diner, and then into the freezer where her severed arm still was. She'd likely never get used to this song and dance, there had to be a better way to use her power than constantly mutilating herself. She took a wooden spoon from the kitchen, wrapped a clean cloth around it and bit down on it. In one swift motion she sliced the tentacle off. She broke out into a cold sweat before the limb hit the ground. After picking up her arm and attaching it to the bleeding stump she tried to ease the pain by doing math problems in her head. It didn't help. Once her arm was properly healed she spat out the spoon and made her way back to the evacuation zone.