[@Caits] I'm not sure if [@Avanhelsing] is bringing back Jack or not, so Peter Parker and Felicia Hardy are probably both still taken. These are the people I'm pretty sure are still around: [@Eviledd1984] [@TechnoWizROK] [@KatherinWinter] [@Goliah] [@Hidden Lilly] [@BlackPanther] I'm not sure about [@Araby264] Taken parents: Bruce Wayne Pamela Isley Tony Stark Pepper Potts Raven Dr. Walter Langkowski Jeanne-Marie Beaubier Robert Drake Barry and Iris Allen Peter Parker Kaia and Levante Keigwan Sponsored by King Namor Granddaughter of Amanda Waller Richard Ifriti and Yumiko Takahashi Slade Wilson (adopted dad) Richard Christensen Kaito and Jessica Izumi Douglas Ramsey and Tessa (Last name unknown) Adriana Soria Gregory Arkin Skurge the Executioner Hope Taya Edna Carney James Myers Storm Lucifer Morningstar Mystique