I finally posted a CS, woo! I promise I'll provide a picture for it soon :) Re the playlist idea: Sure, why not :) I won't have songs right away, but as the RP gets going and picks up steam, I'll contribute. Music is my muse, so I love playlists. Still can't decide about the wolf form. How about a mixture of both extremes? In passing glance, one would assume they've just seen a very large wolf--fur, ears, snout, tail. Upon closer inspection (if one lives to recall such a thing), the four-legged creature has hands instead of front paws, the length of the legs and torso suggests that they'd be just as comfortable walking on hind legs as they would on four, and their snarling wolf-like faces are strikingly expressive... Honestly, I'm just thinking off the top of my head; this is my first werewolf RP (which I am excited about :) ) If you have a specific preference, by all means, let us please go with that, as I feel like I don't even know what I'm saying at this point, lol.