There was a saying among ancient mages, "You command what you understand." The Mer, or Elves in the modern tongue, studied the workings of the mind, what in modern times is called psychology, and as such, their magic allowed them to control the power of the mind, including many of what we call psychic powers. The Men, primitive at the time, studied the elements, and as such gained control over them. The Dwarves, masters of mining and crafting, studied the structure of materials, and gained power over that structure through Alchemy. The two great flying races, Dragons and Wyverns also learned to use magic, but used it in radically different ways. The Dragons studied the forms of the various creatures of the world, in modern times Biology, and gained the power to take on the traits of other creatures, or in some cases their forms. The Wyverns, however, were only concerned with power, and as such gained control over energy in its many forms, both Biological and mundane. While the Wyverns continue to haunt the skies, searching for prey or enemies to do battle with, many Dragons chose to take the forms of the other races of intelligent beings and live among them. Along with their ability to halt the aging process after maturity, as turtles do naturally, their command of biology has lead to them being known as the wisest of the races, and are often seen in the courts of rulers. Just over one hundred years ago the island of Trisara was discovered. It was heralded as a land where all races could learn to live together, but sadly that hasn't been a complete success. The Hundredth anniversary celebration of the founding of the city-state of Paragon begins soon. The city boasts a ruling city council made up of all major races, save Wyverns, and one of the most beloved security forces in the world, gaining their funds not from the people, but from a sales tax on the merchants and from the various leaders in the city who donate to the guard in order to boast that they care more about the people than their competitors. Unknown to them, however, an army of Wyvern have teamed up with Bandits and have gathered 50 miles to the East. Using dirigibles to bypass the walls, they plan to sack the city of its riches, using what they gain to conquer even more. --- You don't have to stick with the ancient distinctions in magic, though. There's no reason a Mer can't learn to conjure lightning, or a Dragon to do Alchemy, it's just considered core education to know the basics of your race's magic type. Magic is a school subject, like Math, Languages, or Science. Just for the record, I referred to Mer, Men, Dwarves, Dragons, and Wyvern as Major races. There are also minor races which generally lack the technology, magical prowess, or intelligence to function among the other races. For example, Giants aren't very bright, though they can work simple metals and have some rudimentary magics. Lycans (Wolfmen) are tribals who use bone, leather and stone to craft, and their magic is rare outside of the healers and spiritual leaders. While we can deal with minor races, it isn't on the same level as the other races. In fact, a few thousand years ago Men were considered a minor race by the others. Feel free to play as one of them if you want. It would be interesting. [hider=Human Lore:] Long ago the humans lived in tribes. Though there was some variation among the tribes, they generally a believed in a pantheon of deities called "the creators", as they were believed to have worked together to create man. These creators gave man emotions, and their domains were the emotions of humans. Any time a human experienced a strong emotion, it was said to bring them closer to that god, and it was how the gods communicated with humans. They believed that the other races were merely creatures created by other groups of deities in order to either imitate or mock their gods. As such, dealing with other races was the equivalent of sacrilege, as you were working for or with other gods. One day, however, after centuries of war with them, a young scout named Curious Fox (Kel Espa) began studying the elves. From his studies he saw that they acted more like men than beasts. They had art, music, language, used strategy in battle, and even conducted trade, though it was for circular gold objects, not useful items as the humans traded for. He tried to tell the council this, and asked for permission to speak with them. They considered the idea of peaceful contact with the Elves to be sacrilege, and banished him for one year, a time in which he was supposed to find his way back to the gods. Instead, he took a white horse, dressed in the hides of snow rabbits, both being a sign of peace to the humans, and rode to the elven village, waiting just outside for three days. When the elves first saw him they thought he was attacking, thought the attack never came. On the third day, knowing that he couldn't be a spy, as his clothing and horse stood out too well, they went to him. Over the next several moons they worked out a method of communication, the elves relying on telepathy to learn what he meant, and he and the elves learned each other's languages. At the end of his one year exile Kel Espa returned, telling the young people in secret about the wonders which the Elves possessed. He even taught them of the workings of the mind, and demonstrated what telepathy he had learned. To Kel, the gods did not communicate through emotions, as they were just reactions to specific stimuli. Instead, the gods gave mankind emotions to guide them. When the elders heard of his teachings, Kel and all who followed them were banished permanently. Because of their ties with the Elves, however, they had the technological advantage over any who attacked them for their blasphemy. This lead to the spread of their beliefs to the other tribes, many of which believed that the gods had made them stronger because they held a greater understanding of the gods. Humans continued to believe this until a few hundred years ago when humans started living in the cities and villages of other races extensively. Many young humans learned of the beliefs of other races and changed their beliefs about the gods. To them, the gods were concepts, personifications of emotions, not the creators of those emotions. These humans, with their Contemporary beliefs, were the main ones to move to the island of Trisara with the other races in the beginning, though later additional groups came over to live in the island's human sector. Though there is some variation, humans generally have some of the same laws and customs. 1. Sex is for reproduction or, in some areas, worship of the gods of Lust. It is only appropriate in a serious relationship, therefore prostitution is banned in most human run areas. 2. One must not impair ones self with drink or drugs. To do so is to attempt to artificially produce the gifts of the gods (emotions). As such, alcohol and drugs are banned in most human areas. 3. Women bear the responsibility to care for the children, Men bear the responsibility to provide for the children. As such, the only woman that do extensive work are those that don't have children and whose children have grown up. [/hider] [hider=Sample CS] Name: Kel Falk Age: 19 Race: Human Gender: Male Appearance: [img][/img] Primary school: Taught by mother Secondary School/specialization: Paragon Traders School/ Smiting Tertiary School/specialization: Paragon Magical Academy/ Alchemy Personality: Driven to understand whatever he sets his mind to, though he can rarely keep his mind on any one topic for long. This has lead to him having a fairly wide understanding of things, but specialization in few. Bio: Born to a Trader and an Enchantress, his parents bought a house in the city wall soon after he was born, believing that the road was too dangerous for a child. His mother enchanted and sold items in town, and his father travel a lot, taking goods from the various smiths in town to the country where they were needed. He entered secondary school at the age of ten, several years ahead of most of the other kids, because his parents wanted him to learn as much as he could so that one day he could live a much better life than them. When he was 15 he graduated and immediately signed up for tertiary school, hoping to learn the art of Alchemy. He is now at the end of his final class, and will graduate as soon as he can figure out how to turn titanium into Orichalcum. [/hider]