[quote=@BrokenPromise] This topic is for all sorts of nit pics, and I was simply mentioning one I haven't seen in here before. He had a great personality, and was very cooperative. You don't stay friends with someone without occasionally get irritated with them. [/quote] Of course, at least I wish that's how most people viewed friends, online and offline. And not disposable like most actually do. But I was more commenting on, "He needed to plagiarize, every time he roleplayed and to increasing extremes, to barely reach an English comprehension of his peers." And yet...Top five people I've roleplayed with. Like I've had a bunch of -nice- people I've roleplayed with...but some just weren't very good roleplayers or writers in general. I could still be friends with them and acknowledge I've probably come across, at least slightly better writing in my experiences. But if what you say is true, that someone who you could tell didn't speak English as his first language, solely on his typing abilities...but is still better than everyone you've roleplayed with. It says a lot, hence why I remarked you need to find better people (as in good enough to at least be literate, without stealing words from others.)