[hider=Lance of the Whispers][center] [h2]Lance Joseph Daga-Bulong[/h2][hr] [b]Appearance: [/b] 「[i]Will add picture later[/i]」 [sub]Stands at 5'10'' (178cm), with black hair and olive-skin. He is rather wiry, but sturdily built. His clothes vary depending on the weather, however he always has on him a pair of black leather gloves. His eyes are rather large and dull black. Over all, he looks very unassuming, like someone who could easily get lost in a crowd.[/sub] [b]Age:[/b] [i]16[/i] [b]Element:[/b] 「[i]Water[/i]」[/center][hr] [h3]Personality:[/h3] [indent]The quickest way to sum up Lance's personality is to liken it to murky waters. Serene on the surface, and yet the darkness within prevents anyone from seeing pasts its depths. Whatever lurks beneath them is hidden from even the most keens eyes, and it is only when one braves into those deeps that they come to realize the monsters that lurk within. Lance hides his true personality beneath a calm facade, his motivations and desires known only to him. Beneath the persona he shows to others, however, hides a vicious opportunist who scarcely thinks of anything other than his own desires. Ultimately, what drives him the most is whatever course of action will provide benefit him the most in the long run. His outward personality isn't all that easy to get along with either. His excessively cheery demeanor is contrasted heavily by his sharp, biting tongue, that reveals how little he cares about societal niceties. He has no qualms about poking or prodding a persons weaknesses or verbally jabbing them. That said, he also will not hesitate to simply give up and fold his cards on the table. Despite his utter disregard for societies norms, he has a deep understanding of how the human psyche works, as well as how to use it to his advantage. Despite this, he does have his nice sides. Or rather, he has desires that benefit someone other than himself. His negative traits also do not surface all that often, and only when he wants a desure if his fulfilled. He is also not above making friends, though only those he holds in the highest regard are those he considers such, even if they do not necessarily reciprocate those feelings. On the more mundane side of things, he enjoys a good game of chess and is a sucker for excellent food, and his heavily critical of meals that don't reach a certain standard. [/indent] [h3]Abilities:[/h3] [indent]He has a deep understanding of how the human psyche works, as well as knowledge about how the human body works. He's a quick study with a sharp memory, compounded with his natural intelligence and surprising diligence. He is a strategic thinker and very rarely caught flat on his feet - and even then, he may quickly recover. In terms of combative ability, he's had some practice with Bajiquan and Muay Thai, and uses a mutated hyrid of the two in combat. His fighting style is not what you'd call "polished" on any terms, however what he lacks in skill he makes up for it with pure physical acumen, often disregarding most "advanced" techniques in martial arts in favor of focusing on the basics and enhancing them with physical prowess. He's also rather stealthy, and a good slight of hand due to several years of thievery and pickpocketing. He's also a talented chef, having learned and mastered several recipes for his own enjoyment. He also likes baking.[/indent] [h3]Powers:[/h3][indent] [b]Void Shield[/b] - 「[i]Water[/i]」 [b]Nether Mist[/b] - Lance creates a hazy mist that obscures the senses in a radius of approximately 11 meters. It obscuring properties extend not just to sight, but also smell and hearing. The mist has potent hallucinogenic and toxic properties, debiliting movement and further impairing the senses the longer one is exposed to the mists effects. Prolonged exposure can leave victims manic, rabid, or catatonic. Open wounds that are exposed to the mist also become aggravated and more difficult to heal, as well as easier to injure. [b]White Bubble[/b] - bubbles that Lance can create with varying sizes and durability. Some can be as fragile as a regular bubble, while the strongest can resist a storm of bullets before popping. These bubbles can be filled with objects inside of it, and also have the ability to take on the property of any liquids they come across. For example, if the bubble were to come into contact with blood, it would effectively become blood. Lance can choose the speed at which he fires these bubbles, however, when left alone they float aimlessly. [b]Preservation-Erosion[/b] - Lance can forcefully infuse water inside the body of another creature in order to take control of its movements. This ability is extremely difficult to use on living lifeforms as it's not very difficult to resist, corpses on the other hand . . . [/indent] [h3]History:[/h3] [indent]A street child from the Philippines, and the son of a drug dealer and alcoholic mother. While his past doesn't bare repeating, needless to say it was not a happy one. However, the child Lance learned to cope, and he learned how to play along with the scum in his life if it meant getting want he wanted. He peddled drugs, tricked others into starting feuds where only he benefited in the end by spreading rumors, and in general lived as one with the scum of the earth. That changed, however, when he entered high-school for the first time. His education was delayed by a year, so he was already 14 by the time he was tested for the summoning gene, and much to his surprise, and to the despair of others, he tested positive. At once, he saw an opportunity to rise above the filth he was born in, and with no hesitation at all, left his parents for better pastures - but not before leaving them a parting gift: evidence of his fathers trafficking and his mothers abuse. In other words, he had effectively damned his parents with a life behind bars - or, in his fathers case, a quick visit on death row. Lance knew that his newfound ability was the key to turning fortunes around. And even better, his partner was a creature he could get along with just fine - because, strangely enough, that huge, writhing mass of tentacles that just consumed a stray dog felt more like family than anyone in his life did.[/indent] [b]Other:[/b] Won't admit this, but he's something of a music enthusiast. Music helps calm him down a lot, and he's generally a lot more pleasant to be around when he has headphone on, or if there's a speaker blaring nearby.[/hider] [hr] [hider=Madness Swimming in the Depths] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Yul-Cth'Logagog [/i] (Yuls for short; alternatively, Lance calls him "my imaginary friend") [b]Appearance:[/b] Yuls is a writhing mass of tentacles about the size a killer whale, though sometimes it varies, as the tentacles can stretch or retract as needed. It's tentacles come in many variations, such as those of an octupus or jellyfish, or something else entirely. It has no eyes, but one gigantic beak, with teeth inside of it resembling a humans. Yuls does not typically show its true form, usually concealing itself inside a dark bubble of water that follows it as it moves. [b]Summoning Mantra: [/b] [i]"Awaken, madness from the deeps, and let us wreck havoc until the end of days."[/i] [b]Abilities:[/b] Its tentacles, asides from being able to strangle its victims, have special properties such as toxins or hard shells, making it far more versatile than it appears. It also has the ability to conjure up large bodies of water, comparable to drown its opponents or for other uses. Asides that, while it's underwater it can unleash a haunting sound that disorients and induces fear to everything in a 10 meter radius. [b]Element:[/b] 「Water」 [b]Element gift:[/b] 「[b]Deep Dive[/b]」 - The ability to slip in and out of bodies of water wide enough to fit his body, and along with it, the ability to breath underwater. It allows him to jump into something like a puddle of water, and slip out somewhere else. The maximum travel distance of this ability is 20 meters. Lance's stamina is drained in direct proportion to the distance he jumps. [b]About:[/b] Yul-Cuth is a being that fails to comprehend the concept of "desire"; it is a creature that merely exists, feasting and killing not out of any sense of want or need, but simply because they are actions mechanical to it. That is why it was drawn to Lance - a human so filled with desire that it threatens to drown him. It can neither communicate nor understand any conventional language, however, it can send its feelings across through the use of bubbles. When it wants to communicate, it can eject bubbles that come in different colors corresponding to its mood. Prolonged exposure to its general vicinity is also prone to causing headaches, nausea, nightmares, and general sleeplessness. [b]Other: [/b] Will eat anything. [i]Anything[/i] Has a strange fascination for birds.[/hider]