[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Y5qdCQ1.png?1[/img] [h3]Level 4 - MP: 19; FP: 6[/h3][/center] [hider=Le Summare] -Niciel makes her way through the former battleground between the Angels and Grot, searching for the cause of her Wisps acting strangely there. -After a brief scuffle, it is discovered that an Elemental of Plants has been feeding on them to grow. -Niciel asks the Elemental a few questions to gain more information about her, and learns that the Elemental has accelerated the growth of her primary tree by absorbing the nutrients and energy of those fallen in the battle against Vestec's Horde, particularly the dust of dead Angels. From there, she then learned how to absorb the power of the passing Wisps to grow even further. -Niciel asks the Elemental to promise to protect passersby with pure souls, which she agrees to. To thank the Elemental, Niciel grants her two gifts before leaving: the name "Holly", and the ability to detect Purity. [/hider] [hider=Might Usage] 1 Might spent on a gift for the Elemental. MP: 18 FP: 6 [/hider] Niciel walked through what was once the battlefield of the Angels and the Chaos Horde, her staff tapping along the ground. Her Wisps had alerted her of something here. Normally, she would have left this place for later, but what made their alerts so different from the others was that every time it happened, it immediately stopped. Her Wisps were not supposed to do that, which meant that something was here disrupting them, and Niciel intended to find out what. Niciel still would have preferred not to come here, though. Even now, Niciel could still see tiny pockets of the destruction left behind. A crater here, a fallen blade there, even the giant trail of destruction from Grot. Niciel knelt down and gently lifted a leaf on a steam of a bush. She could still feel the faint energy left behind by the Angels that had fallen in that battle. Now was not the time to feel regret about the past, though; she was here for business. Niciel began her search by sending a number of Wisps out to wander. She would be keeping a close eye on them; if anything happened to them, she would know instantly. Niciel had expected time to drag on as she waited, but surprisingly, two were quickly taken out, one after the other. With a blink of light, Niciel was at the spot instantly, watching a group of vines recede within a rather large and sturdy tree. Niciel tried to be cautious when approaching, but the plants were quick, roots and vines shooting out to wrap themselves around Niciel's wrists and ankles. By instinct, Niciel released a small nova of Holy energy, which should have been enough to burn away her restraints. While they did burn slightly, the damage was quickly regenerated and they grew thicker instead. Alarmed, Niciel teleported out of their grasp. The vines and roots uncurled themselves, as if confused that she was no longer restrained by them, then retreated back. What was confusing, though, was why the plants did what they did. As far as Niciel knew, plants did not normally act in such a way. Slough surely did not do this, nor was this the work of other Gods. Niciel did not sense any essences of living beings either. "[color=c4df9b]You... you're different,[/color]" a feminine voice slowly whispered. "[color=c4df9b]Not like the Floaties.[/color]" Niciel looked around, but found no one around her. As she tried to sense anything to help her locate whatever it was, however, she felt something else. It was not any sort of essence, but rather something... different. Niciel realized that it was a form of life, without a doubt, but much different from what she had previously encountered, a... flicker, for lack of a better description. "[color=fff79a]Who are you, and why did you try to attack me?[/color]" Niciel asked. She was cautious, but not angry. Instead, she was curious. "[color=c4df9b]Attack?[/color]" the voice asked, confused. "[color=c4df9b]No, not attack. Feed. You have much energy, much food to absorb. Much more than the Floaties. Enough for a long time.[/color]" [color=fff79a][i]That explains what happened, then,[/i][/color] Niciel thought to herself. "[color=fff79a]Floaties? Do you mean my Wisps?[/color]" "[color=c4df9b]...Maybe...[/color]" the voice answered after taking a moment to think. "[color=fff79a]And your name?[/color]" Niciel continued to ask. "[color=c4df9b]Hmm.... no name. Haven't needed one, so haven't thought of one,[/color]" the voice replied. "[color=fff79a]So then, [b]what[/b] are you?[/color]" "[color=c4df9b]...Force of Change. Djinn. Elemental of Plants,[/color]" the elemental eventually answered. [color=fff79a][i]Change... Zephyrion's creation, probably,[/i][/color] Niciel thought. "[color=fff79a]That still doesn't explain why you are eating my Wisps, though.[/color]" The elemental was silent for a while, as if trying to come up with an answer, then eventually replied, "[color=c4df9b]...Food.[/color]" "[color=fff79a]Well, yes, I know you eat them for food, but... hmm... no, I am asking the wrong question. [i]How[/i] are you eating my Wisps? They should not be absorbed that easily.[/color]" "[color=c4df9b]Ah, yes. Very tricky, always explode-y. At first, they hurt so much when trying to absorb them. Had to grow more, learned how to absorb that, and now am finally able to do so.[/color]" "[color=fff79a]Do you have to eat Wisps, though? Can you not just absorb sunlight and water?[/color]" Niciel asked. "[color=c4df9b]Can, but ever since the Battle, gained much energy. Learned that Floaties have much more energy to absorb at once,[/color]" the elemental whispered cheerfully. "[color=fff79a]The Battle?[/color]" Niciel continued. "[color=fff79a]You mean the battle with Vestec's army?[/color]" "[color=c4df9b]....Maybe,[/color]" the elemental answered after a bit of thought. "[color=c4df9b]Many creatures fell. All that fell in that battle became food for the trees, but the winged creatures that fell, those turned to dust. It was very full of energy. Absorbed much of that dust, and managed to grow much faster than the other trees because of that.[/color]" "[color=fff79a]I see,[/color]" Niciel said. As she walked closer and placed a hand on the tree trunk, she continued, "[color=fff79a]So my Angels helped you grow into what you are now.[/color]" Looking up at the foliage above in the branches, Niciel asked, "[color=fff79a]Will you promise me something?[/color]" "[color=c4df9b]...What is it?[/color]" Niciel's gaze turned serious as she spoke, "[color=fff79a]There may be times when those that need help come here. It may just be a wandering individual looking for shelter from rain, or even searching for protection from something trying to kill that individual. If any pure souls come seeking that protection, will you offer you aid and protect them as best you can?[/color]" The elemental thought about this for a while. She wasn't sure if she wanted to be bound by her word. However, Niciel didn't seem like anyone to be wary of, and the elemental enjoyed their time conversing. The elemental figured it was least she could do. "[color=c4df9b]Ok, promise,[/color]" the elemental agreed. "[color=fff79a]Thank you,[/color]" Niciel said. "[color=fff79a]Before I go, I'd like to give you a couple of gifts as well. Will you accept them?[/color]" "[color=c4df9b]...Yes, will.[/color]" "[color=fff79a]The first will be a name for you. I have decided to call you 'Hazel',[/color]" Niciel said. "[color=c4df9b]...Like it. It is nice,[/color]" Hazel admitted. "[color=fff79a]The second... is this,[/color]" Niciel added, lifting her left palm and creating a small orb of pink light, then gently pushing it into the tree, allowing it to be absorbed into the tree, then into Hazel's Flicker. Hazel wasn't entirely sure what happened after that. She began to sense something.... new. Hazel could only describe it as some sort of light, but it was unlike any light she had ever seen before. She certainly couldn't absorb it like sunlight. It was everywhere around her, but it was especially bright from Niciel. "[color=c4df9b]What... is this?[/color]" Hazel asked. "[color=fff79a]This is the ability to sense Purity,[/color]" Niciel explained, taking her hand off Hazel's tree. "[color=fff79a]This will aid you in our promise with each other. Use it how you will.[/color]" As Niciel was about to leave, Hazel called out to her, "[color=c4df9b]Wait. What is [i]your[/i] name?[/color]" Niciel smiled warmly as she replied, "[color=fff79a]I am Niciel, the Goddess of Light.[/color]" And with a flash of light, she was gone. Things were back to being quiet again. Hazel pondered the events that had just transpired, as well as the gifts she had just received. Few beings ever came to this place, especially now since the place was once a battlefield. Even so, Hazel resolved to uphold the promise she made with Niciel. It was her pride as an Elemental.