Johnson stared at awe when Nils practically devoured the cake. Whoa, he thought that savoring the taste would be the best since he seemed so hungry. Oh well, not that he'll say anything. [color=7bcdc8]"Nils. Nice to meet 'ya."[/color] Vanquisher of Wolves and builder of brick houses? Practical Pig's kid maybe. And then Nils had to ask about his parents. Well, he guessed it shouldn't really bother him all that much. He flipped the pages of the book he was holding and then stopped. He flipped the book so the pages would be facing Nils. [color=7bcdc8]"Beauty and the Beast."[/color] He read out loud before putting the book back on his lap. [color=7bcdc8]"Basically, Belle and Adam."[/color] His tone seemed to change between his mom and his dad but it wasn't very obvious. He looked up to see someone dressed as a pirate step inside the carriage. A... pirate? Captain Hook then? He was the only one he could think of. The other person beside him made space for the pirate by scooting over to them. It was that wolf-eared boy - obviously the child of Big Bad Wolf. Oh wait. To his right was the Practical Pig's son and to his left was Big Bad Wolf's son... well, that was interesting. He turned to Victor and held his hand out. [color=7bcdc8]"Heya. Johnson Le Roux, your name is?"[/color] Might as well start this with at least introducing himself to anyone he can. [@quietkid13] [@Hazy]