[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/xjGbRyd.jpg[/img][/center][center][h1][color=f6989d] Alexis [/color][/h1][/center] Alexis felt the wind picking up and she sensed the Spriggan just before she heard Elias who was closer to them. She heard his yell [color=0072bc]"Spriggan pod! They have magic!"[/color] [hider=Spriggan][url]http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Spriggan[/url][/hider] Alexis tilted her head in his direction just as a large male wesen jumped out at her. With the wind behind her it knocked her off balance just a little and it made her first swing miss and she had to switch to defensive fighting in an instant. Ducking claws and teeth she ran up the wesen's body kicking him in the face and flipping him backwards as she flipped back into place. His roar as he raged became louder and louder. Alexis barely had time to keep track of Elias. He seemed to be in a rage himself. She and the wesen were perfectly matched in their fight. Alexis was beginning to wonder who would tire first. He was fueled by rage whereas she was instincts and skill which tended to win over rage unless it was blind rage. Eyes on the wesen and ears trying to keep track of Elias she caught movement out of the corner of her eye. This concerned her more than she realized because this put her in the middle of Elias and his spriggan pod and she was fighting a wesen and possibly another coming at her. She looked up in time to see someone she knew. Brody? What was he doing here? She ducked as the wesen too was distracted. Slamming her sword into the wesen she twisted it and shoved it up into the heart. Pulling back sharply as he fell to the ground she turned in a circle looking for the next attacker. Brody had disappeared and she was staring at more spriggan approaching. Elias seemed to be in a very consuming fight.[@December]