[@Force and Fury][@checkeredsoul][@Yuuta][@ReusableSword] Esailia wasn't able to focus. She had been trained to endure strikes, but that was when she was expecting the blow, when the rest of her instincts were active, not in a moment of furious rage. She lay there, catching her breath and staring at the darkening sky, as she recovered from her oh-so-graceful landing. After several seconds of being on her back, she started thinking straight again. [i]I was hit...I don't feel any sharp pain where I was hit, doesn't mean I'm not bleeding.[/i] Her hand came up to her neck, patting around a moment before bringing the gauntlet up to her face. [i]No blood, good...[/i] She let the hand fall back to her side as she glanced down her body towards Victor and Rintor, feeling a tad bit better that the veteran finally had a sharp object aimed at the creature. Not waiting to see if Ayana or Tori would help her, Esailia pushed herself sluggishly into a sitting position while keeping her gaze firmly set on the pair of men. But she smartly held her tongue this time, and rolled onto her knees before reaching for her sword to sheathe on her hip. She stood up and took a breath. "[b][color=8dc73f]Just keep both eyes on him.[/color][/b]" she shot over her shoulder, then to the group "[b][color=8dc73f]Anyone see a place we can hold up for the night? We need a fire, and to set up a watch rotation.[/color][/b]" It was clear she wasn't doing this just because it needed to be done. From the look on her face it was obvious she needed the distraction before she became a murderer herself, and potentially release a demon into an untainted land...