[@Rai] [h2] [color=lightblue]Paon[/color] [/h2] [hr] Paon had made his way into sunfire in his humanoid shape hours ago, trading the skins he had for coin. Then he had made his way to the inn. The rest easy as it was called. He had gotten plenty of food and fruit and a drink of nector. An extremely sweet substance not many consumed, but he loved it. Paon had taken his hood off and fallen into allowing himself to become of no importance. His seat in a rather secluded area and the wait staff believed him blind. He played along like always. He had watched the various events unfold, but soon spotted a man with a hat that had the company of a child. All his attention had gone to that man. Not having a contract as of yet meant he was able to do as he pleased and at the moment it pleased him to realize the man was one with a bounty. As the more rowdy of customers vanished, he remained focused on the man. His pupiless eyes focused just to the left of him. Not long after the man seemed to disappear and so did a larger amount of people. His head tilted and he decided to follow after a bit more time passed. Paon had after all, asked and paid for a room. He had pretty good cover to follow. So he made his way to the rooms of the inn. Now he switched to a more predatory mode. He slide down and for a second a purple forked tongue shot out of his mouth. Tasting the scents like a snake he slowly untangled the knots of scents to find the ones he wanted. He stood once more and walked silently past each room. Paon stopped when he heard the scream. That sounded promising. Forked tongue shot out once more and he pinpointed the room. To not cast a shadow under the door he stood to the side and leaned his head to hear within. Something about a chest....seems like something this individual would speak of. Paon moved in front of the door his steps now heard as he opened the door. His eyes did not seem to focus on anything and he felt along the wall with a confused expression. [color=lightblue]"How strange this does not feel like my room"[/color] he seemed to be talking to himself. He paused before tapping the floor with his foot. [color=lightblue]"Oh! I apologize if I barged in on anyone....I must have miscounted"[/color] playing up the blindness with the ease any actor would crave...his small height and soft features making him seem even less intemidating. The only hints toward his true danger was the dagger hilt at his side and the earring covered by his hair. The ruby tear drop shaped stone both showing and hiding his faction.