[@GreenGoat] Well, that was a fun read. And here I thought she was some kind loon based on her appearance. I guess she's just that outgoing. Fun read though. Aside from All Might not existing, there isn't really that much need to edit. Her quirk on the other hand, just confused me. But before I ask you to help me out, let's see if I got what you were going for. I know you're probably mentioning something about applied force, but I think it's more of being able to choose whether resistance within a certain exchange of actions is completely nullified or extremely enhanced. Right? So if she bashes something with a shield, she could make the blow absolutely crushing. But if she uses it to block a car, she can just watch as the car gets wrecked once it collides with the shield? Don't worry, I'm pretty sure that these examples are a bit exaggerated.