[@Mistress Dizzy][@KatherinWinter][@t2wave] Kalinda did what she could to help Griffin, using both her shadow manipulation and telekinesis, beginning to take emotions from others to fuel her powers, knowing it would take a toll on her, virtual or otherwise, it didn’t matter. She was opening herself to emotions, this was going to be tough, when she awoke from the simulation. It was one of the reasons she [i]hated[/i] simulation. They didn’t take into consideration how everyone’s powers worked. She sighed heavily, keeping an eye on Griffin, although she knew he could look after himself, she couldn’t help but make sure nothing was going to hurt him. Griffin and Zack… they were her only friends. The only ones that it wasn’t hard to be around, for a long time. And the only ones she felt like she could help… Even though she knew that it was a simulation, she couldn’t not watch their back. As the simulation went black, Kalinda spun about, but it was too late. As she awoke slowly in the classroom, she ripped her helmet off, and in a quick move, she slipped into the shadows, not caring if she got in trouble for it, already, Kalinda could feel the impact of emotions on her, and she knew just how dangerous that could be, not just for her, but for everyone. She breathed hard, shaking violently. [hr][hr] Phoebe noticed that Katherin started to lose control of her abilities, and Phoebe tried to do her best to make sure that it wasn’t a disaster, using her abilities to try and slow the advancing ice, before she drew in a deep breath, and let it out, automatically creating a chlorofiend to help stabilise the building, even as she turned towards Katherin. Katherin’s main problem with her abilities was her confidence-and Phoebe wanted to help, but she wasn’t sure how. All she could do was try and encourage her, and Phoebe went to do that, before the simulation went dark. Waking in the classroom, she sighed heavily, wondering what they had done wrong to result in this. She shifted ,reaching up to take off her helmet, looking towards Mimic, waiting for him to speak. [hr][hr] Coming out of the simulation, Connor took his helmet off, setting it aside, his gaze searched for Kijani’s, relieved that she wasn’t harmed from the abrupt end to the simulation. As Kijani spoke up, Connor shifted, looking to Mimic, frowning, before glancing towards the girl that had spoken. He sighed, “You’re right, team work would have helped. Team work did help us-the simulation was to let us see how our chosen partners and ourselves ccould work together.” Connor said, standing up, he moved towards Kijani. “Or at least, thats what I took from the explanation. To see how we could work together, so that we when started to go on jobs, we wouldn’t mess it up by not knowing how to work with our partners. We did that” Connor said, “Until now, we’ve been working as a group, but we aren’t going to have access to everyone on jobs, are we? So, this sim should have been to take a chance at working in pairs!”