Zero looked around slightly disappointed in his guild mates so easily controlled by emotions, how pathetic... but no matter what front he tried to put up he couldn't help but be sad about Master Makerov that man had reminded him what kindness was, taking him in when he had no where else to turn. Makarov was truly a man that he had no problems swearing his loyalty too. As he thought of the man his defense faltered, for a rare second Zero felt his emotions. Back to the matter at hand he wondered who deserved the right to lead, on one hand Laxus used to be his type of guy then he went and "redeemed" himself oh please, one should always be true to themselves, never change just because it isn't accepted. Zero didn't believe that the Laxus standing them was the true Laxus, he was a shell of his former self weakened by emotion and the need to feel accepted therefore his vote would go to Lockheart after all the man was at least true to himself. "Laxus has become a joke, I vote for Lockheart" he said bluntly as wisps of darkness gently floated around him. Some may have disagreed with what he had said but this was truth or at least his version of the truth and even in darkness you can find truth. He raised his fist signifying that he had voted just now noticing the stares directed at him. 'Master why does it hurt so much'