[h3]Vaughtar[/h3] Being in the cafeteria, Vaughtar had been busying himself with the bewildering array of different foods this world appeared to offer even in places their inhabitants considered 'remote'. He had found especially good taste in what one had been quick to tell him were so called 'hamburgers'. Since their arrival a mere few minutes ago Vaughtar had consumed no less than five of those stacks of roasted patties, cheese, bread and some very minor amount of vegetables mixed in between. Things rapidly changed however when he was about to reach for his sixth meal. Hirsch entering the room had slipped his attention at first, but hearing Zesiro suddenly screaming. Vaughtar turned his head only to see Hirsch toss Zesiro's dead looking body away. Had he gone completely crazy ? And frankly since he had already had one training fight with one of the marines he found it hard to believe that any of them suddenly was able to pull off such a feat and was capable of beating his way through the massive and robust looking glass. Strange things appeared on the wall, some symbols he didn't truly understand but were rather mean looking by themselves as if they were designed to tell him that something very ugly was going on. They fizzled out suddenly not to be seen again. The unicorn had jumped into action, Vaughtar was only second to follow him several seconds later. By the time he did though his mind had come to the conclusion that Hirsch needed to be stopped no matter if there was any idea about what had happened available or not. He had left Munimis only days ago, maybe things like this were not so uncommon on this... earth ? Vaughtar sluggishly built up speed, wreaking havoc on his way through the allotment of tables. But how to stop Hirsch without the risk of killing him, just in case things disappeared as quickly as they had reared their ugly head ? Seeing that Rockin' was struggling quick action was required, so the gargoyle opted for what he believed would not cause too much damage and reached for Hirsch's wrists. He'd try to wrestle this out if this was possible. "Call for help!"