[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Bleeding_Cowboys.ttf&size=50&style_color=f26522[/img][/center][hr][center][img]http://fireflyonlinewiki.com/w/images/b/b1/Newhope.png[/img] [i]Newhope[/i][/center][hr][hr] [color=f26522]"Yes, we need to talk,"[/color] Anisa stated bluntly through clenched teeth. It was obvious she was trying to refrain from going all out ballistic at this point. The captain rarely tried to keep her cool, she was known for her fast talk and her outbursts. It was common on any ship she was in charge of. Her trying to reel it back was not and a bit disturbing to tell the truth. The fact she had even bothered to call someone to her office instead of just barging in wherever the person she was about to chew out was never happened. She just tore into them in front of god and everyone, hardly anyone was ever granted a private reaming away from peering eyes and loose lips. Dorothy was different though, they were friends. More than that they were best friends. They had been through a lot together and even though when Dorothy had first been hired Anisa swore she would never fully trust her she had grown to. With her own life and that of her crew. It was the only reason she was trying to keep from just being full out "Anisa" right then. [color=f26522]"Sit down."[/color] It wasn't a request, it was an order, plain and simple. Once Dorothy had come into the room fully Anisa pushed off the desk and shut the door. Pacing slightly she tried to figure out how to say what she had to say without threatening to put Dorothy through an open air lock once they reached the black, that was her go to threat when anyone did anything she didn't agree with. Turning she looked over to her probably only friend still alive and breathing. [color=f26522]"You need to decide if you are going to continue to be second in command of this ship or if you are going to leave,"[/color] she finally said locking eyes with Dorothy. [color=f26522]"Daphne just left the ship, without word. Without permission. We have a shit ton of work to do and she just left. No one leaves without the Captains or the Second in Commands permission, ever. We have seen what happens when people do. Gene is the most recent example."[/color] Anisa's voice was shaky as she spoke, her knuckles white as she tried not to let off a slew of curses in both Chinese and English. [color=f26522]"You should have stopped her ad got her ass back on the ship. I don't care if she is your kid sister. She is 26 years old and needs to start acting like it. And you need to stop treating her like a sister and like an employee. You out rank her, she has to follow your orders, she had to get your permission. She cannot just waltz about like she can get away with anything. That is why she is no longer in control of the bridge and why I have placed Harper in charge of flight. I trust him to follow orders, I don't her."[/color] Anisa took a deep breath and closed her eyes, trying to calm herself, she knew she was about to lose it. Swallowing down the anger she spoke again. [color=f26522]"So, you have two choices. Both of you pack your bags or soon as she gets back you punish her. Reprimand her like Jackie would have."[/color] Saying Jackson's name out loud caused Anisa to choke up but she fought it. Turning away and taking a deep breath. [color=f26522]"She might be your sister but you are second now. That means the ship and the entire crew comes first, beyond any thing else. Even personal ties."[/color] Keeping her back to Dorothy she couldn't even look at her right then. She knew what she was ordering was a lot. Jackson had been the closest to her than anyone but she had had to put the ship first, the whole crew. Not just him. It wasn't easy but it had to be done. As soon as one person was placed over them all that was when things fell apart and it was about time Daphne started acting like an adult instead of a teenager with an attitude. [color=f26522]"You have until the new ship is purchased to decide. Dismissed."[/color] Her last words barely croaked out but she managed. She didn't move, just standing there with her back to Dorothy. She would kick them off the ship if she had to. She didn't want to but if Daphne couldn't grow up and Dorothy couldn't stop coddling her, it was best they were not with them for the next leg of their journey. They would be safer that way. Atticus in the meantime nearly burst out laughing at first and by the time Foy finished talking all bets were off. He was rolling with laughter and so much he had to sit down on a crate while he held his mid section and tears of joy came from his eyes. [color=fff79a]"You want me to make demands? For you? With the Captain? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Sweet baby Jesus, the devil himself wouldn't even try that shit. Jesus would tell you fuck off,"[/color] he said between the guffaws. Oh it was the best thing he had heard in a decade. [color=fff79a]"I may have a lot of vices dear sir but I am no ignoramus. I'd rather walk buck naked slathered in honey right into a Reaver den, my chances of survival would be higher."[/color] The preacher couldn't stop laughing, slipping from the crate and onto the ground, still chuckling and it hurt. He hadn't laughed this hard since he was a little girl. He knew Anisa would hire the man if he wanted it, that he would have lodging and a place to shave people. Asking for more room than the others? For treatment as it were, he knew wouldn't go over. [color=fff79a]"She'll give you the same space she gives the rest of us, that I can get you. You want more, you gotta ask her. I ain't serving myself up with a silver platter for her to put my head on. As far as Anisa is concerned, you are on the same rung as me and that is about ten steps below the rung she puts herself on and five below Dorothy."[/color] Outside there was still no sign of the buyer but he wasn't due for another twenty to thirty minutes. Or at least he had that much time before Anisa would go find another. She didn't take people being late. She had told the man a certain time but in her mind she wanted him there actually an hour later. Why she had been standing outside. To see and judge the man by the time he showed up. Gave her a gauge of how much she could trust him. Things in the city where they had landed were busy but calm at least. Various bars were open, shops, and the like. People mulling about, going this way and that. The weather was good for being out and about. Clear skies, cool air, calm winds. A nice change from Whitefall and other places like it. There were hotels that catered to high end and low alike. People were trading on the streets and in the shops, and behind them as well. The dock was full of people trying to get passage from one planet to another cheaper than the ship next to them. Most though were avoiding the Alliance Ship the Retribution. Not cause any of them knew it was stolen but because it was Alliance.