[@Legion02] Move your CS over when you get a chance please. [@athanshadow] You have to post or say anything since the creation of the OOC, as such I'm opening your slot to others. Now, for everyone else. [@Sketcher] [@Eneui] [@RumikoOhara] [@The One] [@NobodiesHero] [@Mercurial] [@13org] [@Gareth] [@TheHangedMan] You have submitted characters and shown a lot of interest in this so I've decided to move things up and go ahead start working on the opening post later today. Also a Discord chat was made if you wish to goof around or simply ask me questions or plan stuff with others, you can find it[url=https://discord.gg/RE9CpDp]here.[/url] Now down here I will address all of who have shown interest since the creation of OOC. [@DragonKingUk] [@ChickenTeriyaki] [@Cherrywitch] [@Rex] While I originally planned to simply Dragonking on as showed interest first, I feel it could be unfair. As such, I'll allow all four of you to PM me your Character Sheet's and summons and I'l decide from their. However I am closing this fully now. So any interested after this post, I'm sorry.