[@Caits][@KatherinWinter][@Goliah] As Makoto looked at the one that took control, she exhaled a sigh of relief. He was able to get the soldiers to stop attacking with lethal ammunition. The girl that followed her looked no better than she probably did herself. Makoto made a motion for the girl to follow her into the building when the everything went dark. Makoto had a moment of panic before remembering that is was simply the simulation turning off. Makoto carefully, and with some struggle of a hair strand getting caught, removed the helmet. The lights seemed very bright as she looked around the room but she was able to recognise the two who helped her with the soldiers and Molden. Makoto looked to the side of her and gave a small wave to Phoebe. She was happy to see a familiar face. She would wave to Katherin too, once her helmet was off. When Makoto looked at Mimic, his patience seemed strained. At this point, there was not much she could do but wait for the last few people to take off their helmets. She had tried to work with the other two as a team, but she did miss working more closely with Phoebe and Katherin.