[@DracoLunaris] That's a great idea! I loved Shen's Last Gift and Julian was a lot of fun to fight. Having him marching around as this sarcastic ass-SPARK A.I was even better. I tried finding a screen shot of the SPARK I had Julian in, but all I had was this: [hider=Kickass Tiger Strip for the win!] [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/832451652197295041/61331FEF0A9BC421C62CF5ED00C1F795FC151BF6/[/img] [/hider] I'd try to take another but I'd need to redownload the game and the ass ton of mods I have so have this cool picture instead. [hider=Spartans Never Die they Just Get Sent to XCOM] [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/252594224013341079/D26FC659F7C17ABED92C3E213CA8F854786B79EF/[/img] [/hider] I think having Lily Shen and SPARK Julian would be awesome. The conflict between the two would be really interesting and Julian would be a nice balanced addition to the line up. Having a robot and a proper engineer around would make a better power supply, robot parts/scrap, and larger weapons more valuable. So yeah go for it you have my approval on this. Just make sure you either PM me their sheets or post them up in OOC so I can give them the greenlight before putting them on the character section proper.