[hider=Maia] [b]*Aspect:[/b] Diplomacy, messages, communication [b]Archon Name:[/b] Maia [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] [b]*Race/Species:[/b] Archon [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]*Title/Rank:[/b] Third-Born Archon [b]*Appearing Age:[/b] 24 [b]*Powers:[/b] [hider=Powers] Pyromancy/Pyrokenesis Telekinesis Illusions Hypnosis with beautiful singing Immunity to all ailments, fatigue, extreme temps, and poisons Invisibility Indestructibility Immortality Phasing Flight/Levitation FTL Light manipulation Empathy Super-strength Healing Shapeshifting 360-degree vision Indomitable will Shockwave/vibrations Electrokenesis Sedation Telepathy/visions[/hider] [b]*Default Personality:[/b] A perpetual optimist, Maia is buoyant and possessed of the unshakeable belief that all things can be improved, if only sufficient diligent effort is applied. As a consequence, she is curious, forever interested in the inner workings of anything – from the most abstract of concepts to the most mundane of machines – and how it can be made [i]better[/i]. Focused and determined when she knows herself to be right, she suffers the wilfully ignorant and the foolish not at all, forever working to ease the WorldWeaver’s burdens. [b]*Default Appearance: [/b] [img] http://orig11.deviantart.net/6165/f/2012/239/9/a/dark_beauty_by_omrikoresh-d5co9mr.jpg[/img] [/hider]