Chromite had taken her place next to Howlite and they had begun to make progress moving the drill to the edge of the crater where, hopefully, Chryosparse would be waiting. She didn't want to lose their progress and so continued her work as this new talk of bases and what to do next started to come in. She replied in a half-grunt due to the exertion, [color=darkgray]"Thank you, Head Scientist Moldsvite. I'm not surprised that the humans have achieved some level of advanced technology, as the reports I've read indicated that they were beginning to form a primitive society during the war thousands of years ago. While it remains to be seen exactly how far they've come, I would advise staying clear of them and only initiating contact with the humans if absolutely necessary. Drawing unnecessary attention from them would probably do us more harm than good."[/color] [color=darkgray]That being said, it might be beneficial to observe the human settlement and see if there's any way we can establish a base of operations nearby. Maybe one of the more adept shapeshifters could go in and see what the humans can tell us about the area. You have my permission to stake out the settlement, but as I said, try to avoid meeting with any humans unless you're sure you can do so safely, Larimar. We aren't an invasion force. Moonstone may accompany you."[/color]