[center][h1][color=82ca9d]"Emerald"[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h2][color=82ca9d]Morning - Club Carousel[/color][/h2][/center] Emerald’s silent reverie was interrupted by the hoarse cry behind her. She swung around from her dancing sway with the abrupt and erratic tap of her heels, lofting a brow as she beheld the girl before her, the girl from last night. She was a wreck, worse than a wreck, with worn out eyes and still garbed in the same nightgown now wrinkled from drying through dirty rainwater. Emerald pulled the cigarette from her lips and cast the girl in a sympathetic gaze. “Oh honey, you’re a mess.” She shrugged out of her thick trench coat, moving to drape it over the girl’s shoulders. “Let me get you a drink.” She then ushered the girl over to the bar, if possible, and beckoned her to sit as she brought her own drink in front of her. “Have some of this, my favorite.” Ashley had mentioned an Alison. With the stricken look on the girl’s face they must have met the same one. So this girl was involved in the murder somehow. Poor thing. “This city just won’t let you alone will it?” She moved to stroke some of the hair out of her face as a soothing gesture. “What can I do you for, dear?”