[center][h3] Jade Stone | Training Grounds [/h3] [b]Mentions[/b]: [@FrostedCaramel] [/center] Jade had felt the adrenaline begin to pump through her once more as she watched Emil begin to move towards her. Her eyes carefully took in every movement that the young man made, from the way he tightened his fists to the stalking type walk that he had going on. [i]'Why is he acting so weird?'[/i] Jade's head slightly tilted as she noticed that Emil was approaching her a bit slower than she had expected him to do so. She quickly pushed her worries away, thinking that it was probably a part of his plan. She mirrored his movement, keeping a safe distance from him, yet allowing the distance to be closed. When Emil finally decided to throw a punch, Jade was ready to spring into action and dodge it so that she could use his momentum to knock him down. Except, something was wrong. Jade's eyes widened as she saw Emil fail epically before falling to his knees. "Emil that's not how one fights!" Her voice came out as if she was a true preteen, whining about not having her way. It wasn't until Emil began to throw up that Jade truly realized that he was not playing around. "Emil!" She quickly changed her tone of voice before hurrying over and crouching down next to him, placing a hand on his back and rubbing it in small circles. "Are you okay?" Jade typically did not like to be around anything that involved any type of bodily fluids, whichever way they came out. She managed to stomach her reaction towards the smell as she tried to help her partner up to his feet. "You should have told me you weren't feeling too good. I would've just taken it easy. It's that damn chow they serve us, huh?" Jade stood up and encouraged Emil to walk away from the mess on the ground. The young girl looked up as she felt eyes boring into the two, her icy glare returning the feeling ten fold to the onlookers around them. She managed to get many of the other nosy cadets to mind their own business, but she couldn't do anything about those who were truly concerned. She could hear Schulz begin to yell more frequently about wrapping it up, his voice only getting more and more loud. "Oh crap," she muttered under her breath as she looked over to where Emil had thrown up. With a slight groan of disgust, Jade quickly walked over and kicked as much dirt as possible onto the wet mess. This way, the evidence of the awkward moment that the two had just had.