Is this still accepting?, I was working on a CS and just had the time to post it. The only thing left is the backstory. [hider=CS] [hider=pic] [Center][Img][/Img][/Center] [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Jin Kisaragi [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Personality:[/b] Jin is a kind hearted and soft person, initially struggling to fight as he didn't want to hurt someone, even if not doing it could kill him. Over time he grows the resolve to fight Knightmares that want to harm innocents while warning or even protecting those who haven't done anything. Jin adopts a serious persona when dealing with threats to the public, observing any movement his enemies do before rushing in and attacking. Even so, he is not a pragmatic fighter and prefers to fight with as little dirty tricks as possible. [b]Plot Summary of Original content:[/b] Action, Drama, Mystery, Supernatural. Armored Rider Alpha: The animated spinoff of the iconic Masked Hunter live action series. After an armored hero took a fatal blow from supernatural beings called Knightmares to save him, Jin Jin finds himself as the new owner of the alpha hunter system, the only thing capable of putting down those monsters for good. Jin must now deal with the Knightmares on his town and investigate the origin of the alpha system and his previous owner. Masked Hunter Alpha S2: Action, Drama, Supernatural After the destruction of the Alpha system, humanity finds itself defenseless against the Knightmares, who are uniting under the banner of a creature declaring himself the “Nightmare Emperor.” Jin and the Hypnos Organization must find an alternative to the Alpha system before the growing menace of the Knightmares attack. [b]Backstory:[/b] [hider=My Hider] Jin initially worked as a police officer investigating a mysterious armored guy that had been reported to appear in diverse parts of the city, with the ones who made the report claiming that he had saved them from a monster. After a day of trying to connect the pieces of the puzzle unsuccessfully, Jin decided to go home. On the way home, a man jumps in the middle of the road, with Jin barely managing to pull the brakes in time. He explained to Jin that he was escaping from a person in a white armor that wanted to kill him, while initially skeptical Jin decided to investigate, asking the man to where did he see the armored guy and heading that way with the man following behind him. The man pointed to the forest the town had, and as they went deeper into the woods, Jin began to think that the man had just imagined things. Suddenly someone hidden between the bushes ordered both of them to stop and for Jin to move away from the man if he wanted to live. Not wanting to risk the life of the man Jin told him to stay there as he moved to the direction where he heard the voice, ordering the man to reveal himself. Due to a lack of response from the man, Jin expected him to attack at any moment, but instead, he found a bloody and injured man, even more so than the man who was running from him. He wouldn't get many answers out of him as he stepped in front of Jin and was pierced in the stomach by a monster. The monster thanked Jin for helping him in killing the white hunter and ran away into the night, his laughter echoing in the forest. The dying man pleaded in his dying breath for Jin to continue his task of protecting humanity and gave him his belt. Still in shock over the events that happened Jin took the belt and called the paramedics claiming that he had heard him on his way home. After his identity is revealed as Miyuki Tezuka, Jin decides to do some snooping and investigate his house in search for clues of why did that monster kill Tezuka. It seemed that he wasn't the only one to get the same idea as he meets the very same man who killed Tezuka at his doorstep. The man instantly transformed into a monster as Jin ran back to his car, looking for the belt the man gave him. The belt was beeping loudly and saying “KNIGHTMARE THREAT PRESENT, TRANSFORMATION READY” in a robotic voice. Without thinking twice, Jin put on the belt hoping that it would do something against the monster. In a flash of light, a white armor manifested on him, and the monster was taken aback for a moment, stopping in his tracks before continuing to charge to Jin's position. Jin first tried to use diplomacy against the monster, while guarding against his attacks, but the creature just returned the attempts at diplomacy with “Die!”. Realizing that he had to fight to survive, Jin reluctantly began to fight back eventually overpowering his attacker and with all his strength pierced his arm through the monster chest, with its body dissipating into ashes. Removing his belt and undoing his transformation he searched the house in search of answers. Apart from finding a sword and a knuckle that seemed to go along with the armor, Jin had no luck finding something. Or at least that was he thought of until he found some papers from an organization called “Hypnos” detailing the current known information about Knightmares, which must be the monster he fought earlier. The creatures called Knightmares supposedly are the manifestation of mankind fears and were given physical forms by four powerful alchemists centuries ago. If ancient records are to be believed the ritual created 108 Knightmares who instead of being subservient as they would believe were murderous and with a burning hatred of humans. The four alchemists would create weapons to fight them and once they proved unable to destroy them, seal them. Their descendants would continue their work and prepare a weapon capable of destroying them in case they were released from their prison. A recent earthquake in the region was the straw that broke the camel's back on the seal and released them on a small town. These monsters must be taken as soon as possible as they have the ability to grow stronger when absorbing negative emotions such as fear. Unlike the weapons of old, the Alpha system is designed in a way that the monsters die for good once they are killed. Knowing the man these papers were sent to was dead, Jin knew he would have to take care of the Knightmare problem until he was able to contact the Hypnos organization. As he tried to find leads on the whereabouts on the organization, Jin meet many Knightmares, the majority of them hostile and unaware that others of his kind had been released. Others only wanted to live a normal human life or had found another Knightmare leading to a two vs. one fight. He would finally get in contact with the organization after he unknowingly saved a high ranking member from a Knightmare. With the support of the Hypnos organization, it became easier to locate and destroy Knightmares. Things seemed to be going to an end as Knightmares attacks started becoming less frequent. What both Jin and the organization didn't expect was that a Knightmare would be able to find their location. The surprise attack destroyed most of their research into Knightmares and left the alpha system as nothing more than scrap metal. The perpetrators didn't leave before announcing that the emperor sent his regards. With no time to build another system, the Hypnos organization began the search for their previous prototypes. Searching their old base, Jin and Hypnos found that the base was also ransacked with only one of the ten demon infusers still functional. These demon infusers could destroy Knightmares as the alpha system, but they weakened the body and could only be used for a short time limit. Despite the growing blindness in his left eye and the loss of strength in his left arm, Jin continued to use them as he fought the last Knightmares, with the Hypnos organization managing to repair the alpha system just in time to the battle against the Knightmare Emperor. The fight was a close one with the emperor initially dominating the fight, but once the alpha system entered its overclock mode the fight began to side in Jin's favor, with him striking the Emperor in the head with the Alpha knuckle to finish him before passing out. Once he woke up in the hospital, Jin received the news that he had managed to kill the emperor as only him and ashes were present when they came to rescue him. Happily smiling that his task as a hunter was finally over the series ends its second season. [/hider] [b]Weapons, Powers & Abilities:[/b] [url=]Alpha System[/url]: The iconic armor of the show, and like most of the other armors in the Armored Hunter series the armor is accessed through a special belt. The armor grants its user enhanced durability and speed, making them capable of battling against low-level Knightmares with ease, but struggles against more powerful ones. To mitigate this problem, the alpha system comes with two weapons: [url=]The Excalibur[/url] a sword-gun capable of cutting through rock with ease and shooting bullets of the same caliber as your standard pistol. [url=]Alpha Knuckle[/url] a brass knuckle that can release a blast of energy with the strength of a grenade, this energy takes a while to recharge once released and as such the brass knuckle is mostly used as a finisher or a desperate attack. [url=]ALPHA OVERCLOCK: [/url]A feature added into the reconstructed Alpha system with the intention of pushing the system limits to the max, to go toe to toe with the Nightmare Emperor. Where previously the user had as much strength and speed as an Olympic athlete, now he can punch holes in concrete and is as fast as your standard car. The overclock function last three minutes before the system shuts off. Demonic Infuser: A device used in the past to fight the first Knightmare incursions, instead of relying on technology to overpower and destroy Knightmares this method uses a mixture of alchemy and magic to capture and seal the power of a Knightmare giving its user some of their powers. Since fusing Knightmare and Human is not a natural process the body rejects the fusion process after five minutes with excessive use mutating and weakening the body. In Jin´s case, excessive use has caused him to lose most of his vision in his left eye, which also has a changed color from hazel to a mixture of different colors and loss of strength and mobility in his left hand. The Demonic infuser is shaped like a bat since much how a vampire spreads its curse when it bites its victim; the infuser needs to “bite” the user to inject the Knightmare essence in its bloodstream. After that, it is placed on its pedestal (which is nothing more than a fancy belt) as the transformation begins. The demonic infuser Jin found had two Knightmare powers in it, Yeti and Goliath: [url=]The Yeti form[/url] grants him two big claws that have the same sharpness of the Excalibur with the additional ability to freeze everything it touches, easily turning water into ice, with larger bodies and things made up of salt taking up more time to freeze. [url=]Goliath[/url]: Jin´s biggest form since its height becomes 2.5m with its weapon the Longinus lance being 3m tall. As Goliath, his defenses raise to the point where he can shrug off most gunfire without much trouble and gains the strength to lift and throw cars. It is not without drawbacks since his speed and agility are reduced by an incredible amount and even if his armor is resistant Goliath has a very visible armorless spot in his back, a spot that faster and agiler enemies can strike if they notice it. [b]Author/Real Name:[/b] Masahiro Kadoya [b]Age:[/b] 38 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [/hider]