[hider=Jaeper] [b]Aspect:[/b] Archon of Entertainment and Joy [b]Archon Name:[/b] Jaeper [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] The Jester Archon [b]Race/Species:[/b] Archon [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Title/Rank:[/b] Second Archon [hider=Powers] Pyromancy/Pyrokenesis Telekinesis Illusions Hypnosis With Beautiful Singing Immunity To All Ailments, Fatigue, Extreme Temps, and Poisons Invisibility Indestructibility Immortality Phasing Flight/Levitation FTL Light Manipulation Empathy Super-Strength Healing Shapeshifting 360-Degree Vision Indomitable Will Shockwave/Vibrations Geokenesis Electrokenesis Sedation [/hider][b]Default Personality:[/b] At the best of times, Jaeper is a highly amusing fellow who will never fail to make you laugh and is always fun to be with. At the worst of times, Jaeper has a tendency to relentlessly prank any and all beings in the vicinity to get a laugh at their minor expense. At all times, Jaeper desires to eliviate the WorldWeaver's loneliness and sorrow. [b]Default Appearance:[/b] [img]https://forum.smartcanucks.ca/attachments/canadian-contests/234954d1397620893-club-q-q107-loyalty-club-southern-only-v4-image.jpg[/img] [/hider]