[CENTER][img]http://i.imgur.com/uX1Ukju.png[/img] [SUB][i]We might have started off a bit slow, but at least we managed to get this far. It would be a shame if we suddenly delayed things even more, right? Anyway, let me introduce you to someone. He'll probably be an NPC your characters are going to see quite often.[/i] [CENTER][HIDER][img]http://i.imgur.com/uPVXkpf.jpg?1[/img][/HIDER][/CENTER] [i]You can call him Jin. He's pretty friendly, at least when he's not ticked off. I suppose you shouldn't take my word for it though. It'd be better if you get to know him in person. With that out of the way, let's get going with the story.[/i][/SUB][/CENTER] [H3][SUB][color=b80707]THE STORY THUS FAR[/color][/SUB][/H3][hr][INDENT]Our story takes place in the year 2020, on the 25th day of August, in Tokyo. Specifically, the largest red light district in Japan, Kabukicho. As far as you know, along with a few other individuals, you have been asked to gather at some random pub in one of the shadiest places you could have imagined. It was a quarter passed five in the afternoon, and Jin sat waiting with a pile of small steel containers next to him. He had a table to himself at the back of the place. It was a rowdy establishment, of decent size, owned by a guy named Takeshi; a guy Jin knew him from way back. Back when he'd gotten out of prison, this pub had been Jin's first stop. He downed the remains of his whiskey and poured another. He loved the taste of whiskey and the feel as it hits your stomach. After ten years in prison, the novelty of being able to have a glass of whiskey when he wanted hadn't yet faded. He took a sip, called to check if his guests had arrived, and settled in for a long wait. Luckily, the wait wasn't too long, only half a glass later people had started to arrive. He exchanged simple greetings as people turned up but he held off on saying what he needed to say until everyone was there. He called over Takeshi and got him to get everyone whatever the wanted while they waited. It was obvious he was happy for the extra customers as he rushed around excitedly asking people what they wanted. Finally everyone arrived and Jin addressed them all. [color=00a99d]"Welcome, friends. I go by the name Jin, and I'm glad you all made it here. Now, I'll keep this as short as I can."[/color] He began, looking at the people whom his boss had recruited. [color=00a99d]"I know you all have different reasons for being here. For taking this opportunity we've presented you. Whatever your reasons are though, it doesn't matter to us."[/color] Jin began placing the containers on the table as he talked, [color=00a99d]"I'll be honest, we're planning to take over the country. I've asked you all to come here today to have a little meet and greet. And if all goes well, our first job'll be in a few days."[/color] With the containers now on the table, Jin went back to holding his whiskey, sipping at it occasionally, [color=00a99d]"Look around, it would be better if you get used to these faces. If you decide to join us, the people here will be your new family."[/color] Jin paused a moment, to add a dash of dramatic flair, sipping his drink to give them time to look at each other. [color=00a99d]"We did our research and got you all presents, as promised. I know you'll all like em."[/color] He ran his fingers over the containers, making sure the names on each one were visible. [color=00a99d]"The welcome gifts are in these. Help yourselves."[/color] He added, gesturing to the containers just as Takeshi walked in with another round of drinks. He slipped him a tip before turning back to the group. The group he hoped, if things go well, he would soon call his family. [color=00a99d]"Any questions?"[/color][/INDENT][H3][SUB][color=b80707]OUT OF CHARACTER[/color][/SUB][/H3][hr][INDENT]Probably just nice to know, but everyone received their invitation - the message mentioned in the opening post of the OOC - some time between 1 - 3 weeks before the start of the story. This bit of information might be significant if you feel like writing about the events prior to the meet up. Some more details on the present situation you all are in, excluding your characters and Jin, there are just over dozen others within the room. Its fair to assume that they're all quirkless too. As of now, they're pretty much random NPCs, so feel free to make use of them in your posts if needed. What I'm expecting from these first few posts won't be too much; I'm assuming it'll be interaction posts that'll come in short intervals. Don't get me wrong though, feel free to do whatever with what I've given you guys. If any of you just decide to open the containers, you'll find an autoinjector which is kinda like a spring-loaded syringe.[/INDENT]