Watching and listening from above, Teddy didn't really feel the need to step in yet since this group all seemed to have some sort of power to fight this slime guy. His attention when towards the girl who criticized them and chuckled to himself noticing she didn't do much either. Interestingly enough, he wanted the man with the guitar playing as something that looked to be paper, folding into a sword came out and launched at the creature and once the pyro-man started lighting up more, Teddy, with a smirk, couldn't just sit back anymore. [color=662d91]Aww...what the hell...[/color] Teddy jumped from the top of the roof, landing on his feet with no injury do to his durable and strong body. [color=662d91]And here I was thinking about getting a burrito until I smelled a walking shit pile. Seems you guys need some extra muscle...[/color] Teddy said looking at the group as the pyro-guy let's loose another attack. He had to give it to him, the attack looked cool but just in case, Teddy was going to try and push this thing back by force. Teddy rushed over to the nearby dumpster ready to launch it at the creature. [@KatherinWinter][@deerling][@Draconis][@RinOkumara][@TechnoWizROK]