"Ah, thanks Jess!" Kanoko replied as she continued to root through the bins, having received the Ground-Type feet she needed. Among other things, she had grabbed a GN sword and a drive for the arm it was to be mounted on, a shield and adapter from a Qan(T), a sword from the Ground Type graze kit as well, the backpack and shoulders of the Reginlaze, and a shotgun from the Kampfer. Among all of these things, she noticed that Justin had been busy collecting beam weaponry and a mass of firepower, and placed her pile of discarded choices towards him. "See if there's anything in there you like since you decided to stop over. I could never get behind the BuCue, but if you can make something out of it, I'll be happy to take a page out of your book!" One more thing she needed-Helmwige Reincar's head and a few V-fins. Riffling through the container, she found her necessary parts and started to assemble her Graze Custom. The small GN drive itself wasn't completely necessary, but she thought it would be good to give it a weapon with a little more armor-piercing capabilities. Most of the other kits probably didn't have the armor to withstand a couple good cleaves with the sword alone, but still...