[@Draconis] [@Animera] [@jeroukoo] [@Alphacaeus] [@RinOkumara] [@Wysteria][@Arya10108909] [@deerling] [@King Tai] Roxy turned towards the music. She raised an eyebrow as paper followed the story the boy was telling. Well that was an interesting power. Turned back to the others. The blind Swedish looking kid stated he was a healer and ran. She rolled her eyes. She studied the jock that announced that they needed muscle. [color=blue]"So its ok to endanger others? It's good to know how crazy the fire guy is. Muscle man I seriously doubt that you can do more then anyone else physical can do. What am I going to do? Apparently i am going to do something no one else can do. I'm going to get rid of the ooze monster."[/color] The flames had created spot of shadows. And shadows were thing. She couldn't kill the thing. But she could make sure that it didn't hurt anyone else. She pulled the shadows around the monsters. It was draining. But she was able to create half a cage. She frowned in frustration at not being able to finish he shadow box she was trying to complete.