[center][img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/c941e9c40cc605b0547c8b5c60f44f7c/tumblr_mzwxobzmfz1t87813o1_r5_500.jpg[/img][/center] [center]Name: [i]Alex Williams[/i][/center] [center]Age: [i]15[/i][/center] [center]Gender: [i]Female[/i][/center] [center]Mana Colors: [i]Red & Black[/i][/center] [center]Summon Beast: A small dragon as of now.[/center] [hider= Dragon][img]http://www.sintel.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/dragon-concept-art_003.jpg[/img][/hider] [center]Persona: Alex is, for the most part, a stubborn and bullheaded young girl. Though, she is friendly, she can be a bit rude. Alex is definitely a sore-loser, another factor that causes her to push until she knows she has no more to offer. Her spirit is as wild and untamed as the stars vast in the dark night sky.[/center]