Zee Crass was hovering using his air power as he made his way over the ocean from Canada towards Aether Bridge academy. Toa the large peacock-esque lady was flying by his side. From what he noticed the sky, was a lot brighter over here, closer to the school. Back home it was so murky with clouds that [i]I'm surprised everyone isn't depressed when they look up in the morning....[/i] he didn't think too much of it. His clothing consisted of a red scarf over a black jacket with dark blue jeans. On his back was the usual backpack but brown in color, packed with books, uniform, dry foods, cards, money, climbing gear and more. Needless to say the weight was tiring after a while. Thus he landed as soon as could. Having reached dry land he quickly came up with the idea of taking to the air once more. This time tho Toa would be flying him the rest of the way. Having posed the request, "You want me to carry you and that heavy bag?" she said with a complaining tone to her voice. Putting his hands together like one who was about to pray for a miracle, "Please. It'll make this journey a lot easier for me and it'll prove to anyone who catches sight of us how strong you really are." He said with a very small smile, using a little flattery to try and sway her decision for him. Toa considered for a long moment before nodding, and thus Zee placed his backpack in her talons and got on her back as they took to the air once again. It wasn't long before Toa's graceful wings carried them to the front doors of the academy. With Zee's guidance they landed next to a green haired girl munching on a chocolate bar. With Zee still on Toa's back, "Hi, I don't think we met before." Zee greeted the green haired girl.