[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/3BouAZV.png[/img][/center][hr] During the golden age of magic, Invernier was a place of magnificent sorcery, ruled by unstoppable Mage-Kingdoms. But those days are long gone. Now, only echoes remain. Modern knowledge of magic on Invernier is riddled with holes and clouded by superstition. Some scholars (those that remain, at least) suggest this is for the best: magic was always meant to be something undefined and illicit, a thing of shadows, a thing for the shunned. Today, it primarily exists in the form of minor spells, learned and traded like black-market goods. Many places have outlawed the old powers, while others will go so far as to arrest magicians on the spot. While it is possible to learn one or two minor spells without suffering from this, true magicians will invariable experience extreme warping of the eyes. Common warpings include: [indent]❖ The fraying and distortion of the iris over the pupil, like a torn spiderweb. ❖ The splitting of the iris into multiples (usually two per eye, but as many as four have been recorded in the past). ❖ The blackening or whiting of the entire eye. ❖ Multiple pupils. ❖ Bizarrely colored animal-eyes, such as those of snakes, cows, or crocodiles. [/indent] Making a character a true magician means giving yourself a noticeable marker that will probably incur discrimination in many parts of Invernier, so don’t make that decision lightly. Feel free to make up your own spells. Below are a list of magical styles, and each style has a handful of example spells you can either use for yourself, or use for ideas for your own magic. Spells fall in three categories—simple (1 point) advanced (2) and mighty (4). True magicians are allowed 8 points to spend on magic, while characters who only know a handful of tangential spells are allowed 3. It costs 1 point for each magical style other than the first that your character knows spells from. Keep in mind magic is rare, and widely untrusted. It’s not the most common thing to know spells, even if only a handful of simple ones. If a character does know magic, try to give them a certain amount of consistency among what kinds of magic they’ve learned and why. Another note: some spells may not be ‘magic’ to certain groups of people. For example, some healing spells and many of the arts of Old Soot are considered more in line with blessings and prayers, or old tricks, while others are considered holy gifts for priests, such as a handful Seathe spells. [i]Oh,[/i] that’s [i]not magic, that’s just an old prayer that’s been in my family for generations[/i], or [i]No, see, that’s the[/i] good [i]magic, the kind that’s normal and helpful.[/i] This only really applies though if eye warping hasn’t occurred yet, at which point most (depending on region, again) would assume the magician to be one of the ‘bad ones.’ [hider=Magical Styles] [h3][u]T H E L A G R I M A [/u][/h3] [hider=The Language of the Crocodile] [i]The Lagrima is an ancient and powerful tradition of magic that conjures and subjugates wild animals. It requires an animalistic forcefulness of character, and was traditionally used by hermits and sages in the Far Wilds.[/i] [u]Sample Spells: [/u] [hider=Lagrima Spell List] [indent][b]❖ Servant in the Gloom ❖[/b] [indent] [b]Simple[/b] A spell that conjures a moth from the palm of one’s hand. As long as the moth exists, the magician will share the moth’s senses, and the creature can be controlled like an extra limb. If the moth is hurt, the magician feels its pain. [/indent] [b]❖ Bitter Kiss ❖[/b] [indent] [b]Simple[/b] A spell that births a small black snake from one’s mouth. It’s bite paralyzing, and can stun even a large beast. As long as the moth exists, the magician will share the snake’s senses, and the creature can be controlled like an extra limb. If the snake is hurt, the magician feels its pain. [/indent] [b]❖ Wicked Feathers ❖[/b] [indent] [b]Advanced[/b] A spell to conjure a medium-sized bird of prey from out of the soil. As long as the bird exists, the magician will share its senses, and the creature can be controlled like an extra limb. [/indent] [b]❖ Loving the Monster ❖[/b] [indent] [b]Advanced[/b] A spell to A spell to summon one’s inner animal. Momentarily invoke greater endurance and strength, harder skin, and vicious claws. A dangerous spell, as it can quickly earn you the label of a wild monster, and bring down soldiers or mobs. [/indent] [b]❖ Will of the Wild ❖[/b] [indent] [b]Advanced[/b] A minor spell to enforce one’s will on a wild animal. While larger animals will simply be stunned or momentarily weakened, medium and smaller sized animals—like snakes or wolves—can be commanded and their senses momentarily shared, like an extra limb. Unlike spells that conjure animals, spells to subjugate them do not force a magician to share the animal’s pain. [/indent] [b]❖ Carnal Medicine ❖[/b] [indent] [b]Advanced[/b] A killing spell for slaying small animals like sparrows or squirrels and turning their bodies into ash. The ash is a potent sort of enhancer, and though it has no curative properties on its own, can flood someone with a sort of animalistic energy and restore stamina and strength, making for a useful addition to other medicines. [/indent] [b]❖ Plea of Scales ❖[/b] [indent] [b]Mighty[/b] A spell to pull an enormous snake from out of wood. The snake is thicker as a man’s arm, and over twenty feet long. It is viciously quick, and its bite causes severe pain. As long as the snake exists, the magician will share its senses, and the creature can be controlled like an extra limb. If the snake is hurt, the magician feels its pain. This spell requires some form of wood to be present. [/indent] [b]❖ Primal Geas ❖[/b] [indent] [b]Mighty[/b] A powerful enchantment to be placed on a wild animal. The animal that has been obligated under a geas is placed under the absolute control of the magician. The animal’s size does not matter, though this will not work on sentient species. Over time, the geas can be modified to enhance the animal’s strength, size, or stamina, or imbue it with certain minor but significant abilities. A magician may only hold once subject in a geas at any given time—one geas for one master. This extends for all geases across all magical styles. [/indent] [/indent][/hider][/hider] [h3][u]C O N C O R D A N C E [/u][/h3] [hider=Julieta’s Voice] [i] Concordance is one of the few magical styles with a distinct and well-recorded history, invented early in the Age of the Queens by Julieta Sinqueleur, youngest of the legendary Nine Sisters. Julieta based the art of Concordance entirely on song and melody, and certain members of her procession learned to imitate the Queen’s enchanted voice. They say that over the course of her short life, Julieta wrote hundreds of tunes, each with a unique power. The magic of Concordance is highly varied, but includes no cruel or unkind magic, as fitting for a person of Julieta’s nature. She saw laughter, happiness, and sad, subtle love as the greatest powers humankind would ever know, and her songs all reflect this.[/i] [u]Sample Spells: [/u] [hider=Concordance Spell List] [indent][b]❖ Ballad in the Mist ❖[/b] [indent] [b]Simple[/b] A low and long ballad whose lyrics can be indistinguishable from the wind. This song raises a spectral mist to cover the magician and their allies, while mysteriously leaving their vision intact. A more powerful variant (Advanced) exists that is more magically imbued, and can even shield the magician and their allies from magical detection as well, and dampen enemy spells. [/indent] [b]❖ Masmala ❖[/b] [indent] [b]Simple[/b] A whispery and happy tune to be hummed under one’s breath. The song Masmala, based by Julieta on Majulin children’s lullabies, can carry hypnotizing effects capable of lulling enemies and wild animals into a sleepy stupor. This song was written while Julieta and Desdemona were still dear friends, when neither could imagine the bloodshed that would eventually erupt between them. There is a melancholy note to Masmala's upbeat melody, perhaps a development that arose after Julieta's death, something that lingers like an aging grandmother on happier, better times. [/indent] [b]❖ Mending Melody ❖[/b] [indent] [b]Advanced[/b] A quiet and hopeful tune that can heal minor flesh injuries and restore stamina. [/indent] [b]❖ Hymn for the Lost ❖[/b] [indent] [b]Advanced[/b] A gentle song of remembrance. As it is sung, the magician will glimpse flashes of the history of their current location, and the longer they sing, the further back they see and hear. Vision becomes blurry if you try to look back farther than a week.[/indent] [b]❖ Shoshanna ❖[/b] [indent][b]Mighty[/b] A whispered song audible only to the singer. It casts the singer and those the singer wishes to include into shadow, hiding their body and muffling their footsteps. Of course, the invisibility only lasts to the end of the song, so once about three minutes have passed, one will pass back into visibility, even if only for a moment, unless the magician is particularly fast about restarting the song.[/indent] [b]❖ Symbelmine ❖[/b] [indent][b]Mighty[/b] A high and powerful song of desire and sadness. Its power destroys rock and mortar and metal, and promises to the listener an end to all tyranny and injustice. Though few know how to pull magic from this powerful song, the lyrics of Symbelmine are well known in the east, as they chronicle Julieta leading the Undead from their prison in the Catechism to safety in the mysterious southeast.[/indent][/indent][/hider] [/hider] [h3][u]O L D S O O T [/u][/h3] [hider=The Firekeeper's Practice] [i]The practices of Old Soot came about during the fourth Efernight, when the Mage-Kingdoms had long since dwindled and magical study had all but ceased. Unlike ancient and powerful disciplines such as the Lagrima, Old Soot was developed by village elders and common farmers, a series of practical and simple rituals steeped in folk culture. Its magic focuses on warding off darkness and preserving homes.[/i] [u]Sample Spells: [/u] [hider=Old Soot Spell List] [indent][b]❖ Warm Bones ❖[/b] [indent] [b]Simple[/b] A traveler’s spell that fills one with warmth during the cold nights. This magic is also capable of lighting kindling with tiny fires. [/indent] [b]❖ Sheepcatcher ❖[/b] [indent] [b]Simple[/b] A useful spell invented by farmers for tracking down lost livestock. When invoked, this magic can reveal to the magician the location of nearby living creatures, and give a rough estimation of what kind of creatures they are. [/indent] [b]❖ Homespinning ❖[/b] [indent] [b]Advanced[/b] A spell for those seeking to protect their home. If inside a room, the doors and windows will be reinforced, and if broken, will burn the skin and smudge the eyes of intruders. [/indent] [b]❖ Woodsman’s Torch ❖[/b] [indent] [b]Advanced[/b] A hardy spell for finding your way in the dark. You will immediately become aware of the four cardinal directions, and a faint light visible only to you will point in the direction of any location you visualize with your mind. [/indent] [b]❖ Back to the Hearth ❖[/b] [indent] [b]Mighty[/b] A spell that invokes the homely comfort of a roaring fire to heal injuries and restore stamina. Blessing of the Hearth requires a blazing fire to already be present, and its healing abilities are proportional to the flames, but once placed on the fire the effect is long enduring, and can heal many people at once. It will even sustain the fire for longer than would be normal. [/indent] [b]❖ Bane of the Nightprowlers ❖[/b] [indent] [b]Mighty[/b] With three short words of power, a magician conjures a ball of bright hot fire in the palm of their hand. Bigger than a human head and full of energy, this powerful spell can injure enemies and provide light in the dark. [/indent] [/indent][/hider][/hider] [h3][u]S O L V I T A [/u][/h3] [hider=Magic of the Rain] [i]Solvita was a magic popularized by Miranda Newcastle, who used it extensively throughout the Tempesta. It’s power still lingers in the land in the form of light drizzles and eternal twilight, and a heavy rainstorm surrounding Castle Miranda itself. This is a cool and mighty for of spellcasting that requires a certain peace of mind. Generally, Solvita comes in two forms—magic to summon weather, and magic to enchant existing weather.[/i] [u]Sample Spells: [/u] [hider= Spell List] [indent][b]❖ Shivering Fog ❖[/b] [indent][b]Simple[/b] A spell to raise spectral mist to cover the magician and their allies. This mist is heavy and all-encompassing, thick enough to dampen even weak-level spells, though it affects all parties equally. [/indent] [b]❖ Gaze of the Rain-Sprites ❖[/b] [indent][b]Simple[/b] A blessing that gives the magician and up to two allies the power to see clearly through inclement weather and darkness. The heavier the inclement weather, the more powerful the vision-enhancement.[/indent] [b]❖ Scattering Showers ❖[/b] [indent][b]Advanced[/b] A spell to call down a scattering rainstorm. If focused, a magician can concentrate the downpour into a single point, though this requires no small force of will. Mightier forms of this spell can call down stronger rainstorms.[/indent] [b]❖ Gifts in the Rain ❖[/b] [indent][b]Advanced [/b] A variant of the magic still lingering around Castle Miranda. This spell allows someone to wash away their injuries, minor sicknesses, and weariness, though it requires running water to be constantly flowing over the target. They say that whenever a life is saved via the Gift of Solvita, the ghost of Miranda sleeps a little better in her grave. [/indent] [b]❖ Eyes in the Droplets ❖[/b] [indent][b]Mighty[/b] A spell that scatters a magician’s senses across an entire rainstorm. Wherever the rain goes, the magician’s five senses linger in every raindrop, allowing them to cast their eyes over vast swathes of land. [/indent] [b]❖ Heaven in Mourning ❖[/b] [indent][b]Mighty[/b] A spell to call down a single lightning bolt from the heavens. They say that on the day Miranda found out about Julieta’s death, her grief called down a terrible thunderstorm that ravaged the Tempesta for a week, before hurtling across the continent and pounding down on East Majulin for over a year. There is an unhappy history to this magic, and using it usually implies a certain amount of disrespect (if used flippantly) or desperation (if necessary). [/indent] [/indent][/hider][/hider] [h3][u]W I T C H I N G [/u][/h3] [hider=Deals With the Devil] [i]This is the kind of magic that gives all other magic a bad name—though, in and of itself, Witching is not inherently bad. Witching involves magically enchanting contracts, and is tangentially related to the powerful magic that suffuses the dragons and the ways they interact with other species. It involves the sacrificing of body parts for knowledge or power, lasting bonds between two or more individuals, and/or ensuring sharp vengeance should a deal be broken. Though most people do not know its proper name, Witching magic is what one would associate with the forests of Brujeria, and the stereotypical ‘bad’ magician.[/i] [u]Sample Spells: [/u] [hider= Spell List] [indent][b]❖ Oblige ❖[/b] [indent][b]Simple[/b] A spell that twists up the targets tongue as they speak, and compels them to tell the truth. If they are aware they are being enchanted, of course, a person can simply stop talking, so this spell has to be placed subtly and at just the right moment. [/indent] [b]❖ Bartered Strength ❖[/b] [indent] [b]Simple[/b] A small animal is killed—as its life exits the world, something else is allowed to enter. This spell imbues a target with supernatural strength, speed, and full and healthy stamina for a short period of time. Advanced variants of this spell can be used for healing—though they require larger animals for stronger effects. [/indent] [b]❖ The Vow ❖[/b] [indent] [b]Advanced[/b] A spell that, when placed over a promise as its being made, gives the promiser a certain compellation to fulfill it, and strikes them with death should they refuse to fulfill it. Weaker versions of this spell can be made which bestow only weakness and sickness instead, which lift immediately if the promiser puts active effort into fulfilling their promise (though this requires their promise to be physically possible). [/indent] [b]❖ Blood Combat ❖[/b] [indent] [b]Advanced[/b] If a stranger attacks you, this spell forces the fight to be played out to the end, with one person killing the other, and prevents anyone else from interfering. [/indent] [b]❖ Tipping the Scales ❖[/b] [indent] [b]Advanced[/b] If a magician has successfully a brokered a deal for magical strength, this spell allows them to tip the bargain in their favor, and greatly augment the benefit they reaped. This works best when only one bargain of a single type is active at a time.. [/indent] [b]❖ Grisly Trophy ❖[/b] [indent] [b]Mighty[/b] A spell that involves someone, not necessarily the magician, sacrificing a body part as part of a magical deal. This spell allows the sacrificed body part to be preserved, and its powers borrowed. For example, an arm could be taken, and the magician could mark it so it suffers all damage that would be dealt to their own arms, or enchanted so the arm will bolster the magician’s own arms in strength and endurance, permanently. The magic fades if the original arm is directly burned. This morbid magic can be difficult to maintain for practical reasons, as it requires the body parts remain intact, and as such needs a good hiding place to place them.[/indent] [b]❖ My Last Words ❖[/b] [indent] [b]Mighty[/b] A spell of kindness and mercy. The magician promises to protect someone, to love them and the things they had loved, and to fight for the things they had fought for. When this bargain is made, the opposite party is hidden away in pure light and shielded from all harm within the heart and soul of the magician, until they are ready to come out. This spell is almost never used, as it requires the magician to enter a state of absolute vulnerability and surrender to the person they have allowed into their heart.[/indent] [/indent][/hider][/hider] [h3][u]S U N D E R I N G [/u][/h3] [hider=The Slayer’s Magic] [i]Sundering is a violent, war-like magic that revolves around weapons, and the willingness to bring harm to others. It deals with augmenting damage, armor, and weapons. In another time, this magic was seen as brutal and unkind, though nowadays it might be seen in a brighter light, as hard, practical, and useful. This magic is useless without a weapon on hand to enchant.[/i] [u]Sample Spells: [/u] [hider=Sundering Spell List] [indent][b]❖ Shattering Stroke ❖[/b] [indent][b]Simple[/b] A simple spell to empower a single weapon strike with unusual force, allowing it to break stone and armor, and crack barriers that it would otherwise bounce off of. This only works for nonmagical targets, and magical barriers will resist a low-level spell such as this.[/indent] [b]❖ The Giant’s Might ❖[/b] [indent][b]Simple[/b] A spell to empower armor, and allow it resist otherwise crippling blows. Of course, it only empowers, and the spell will eventually break after enough strikes.[/indent] [b]❖ Cannibal Blade ❖[/b] [indent][b]Advanced[/b] A malicious spell to make one’s weapon significantly more injuring to any kind of sentient being, from humans to even nephilim. A nick from a dagger, for example, can become a vicious gouge, while a cut from a sword can cleave a body clean in two.[/indent] [b]❖ Speed Phantom ❖[/b] [indent][b]Advanced[/b] A spell to imbue a weapon with relentless manic energy, urging it to shoot forwards towards a target with incredible speed, carrying the wielder behind it like a robe dragging behind a speeding caravan.[/indent] [b]❖ Palanquin of Breath ❖[/b] [indent][b]Advanced[/b] A spell to momentarily wrap your weapon in buffeting winds, allow it to knock aside other weapons that come close to it without affecting the weapon’s momentum.[/indent] [b]❖ Charm-Cleaver ❖[/b] [indent][b]Mighty[/b] Imbue a single strike of a weapon with the power to shatter and blast aside magic. As with similar powerful magics, a single use of this spell can vastly wear out a magician, and the aftershock can vary depending on what sort of spell was just broken.[/indent] [b]❖ Unforgiving Sacrament ❖[/b] [indent][b]Mighty[/b] A spell to imbue a weapon with crackling, heavenly force. Things that make impact with the weapon for the duration of the spell will be blown back with explosive force. However, eventually, the sacrament’s power is enormous, and it will eventually blast apart the weapon itself.[/indent] [b]❖ Crusader’s Geas ❖[/b] [indent][b]Mighty[/b] A geas a magician may place on their weapon, obliging it to their will. It becomes significantly lighter and easier to wield in battle, unnaturally so, and over time the geas can be modified to impress certain small but significant attributes into the weapon. A magician may only hold once subject in a geas at any given time—one geas for one master. This extends for all geases across all magical styles.[/indent] [/indent][/hider][/hider] [h3][u]S E A T H E [/u][/h3] [hider=Work of the Seer] [i]A magic that deals with vision, truth, and prophecy. This magic is most common in very secluded, rural areas, such as the Brujeria, or in nomadic regions, like Milos. There is a certain reverence associated with Seathe, and in many cultures these powers aren’t exactly considered ‘magic,’ though once eye mutations have set in it is assumed the magician has done something wrong, or delved deeper than was appropriate into the powers of the seer. The magic of Seathe requires a person have taken deep introspection, and seen themself in a light unclouded by lie or illusion. Momentary crises of the self can cut off a magician from their Seathe-related abilities.[/i] [u]Sample Spells: [/u] [hider=Seathe Spell List] [indent][b]❖ Seer’s Indulgence ❖[/b] [indent][b]Simple[/b] Temporarily augment all five senses with extreme acuity. This spell and similar ones will last for about thirty minutes. Used too often, or too carelessly, and the magician becomes dizzy and struck by terrible headaches[/indent] [b]❖ Piercing Iris ❖[/b] [indent][b]Simple[/b] Allows a magician to see around corners, and, with some time to prepare and focus, through solid walls.[/indent] [b]❖ Sensitive Soul ❖[/b] [indent][b]Simple[/b] A spell to detect nearby magic, and gain a rough understanding of its effects. More powerful variants of this spell give keener insight into the detected magic.[/indent] [b]❖ Ordinary Peace ❖[/b] [indent][b]Simple[/b] A spell to overpower the cruelty and darkness of a violent act. This magic allows a magician to dispel an incoming attack, and if not totally absorb it, then shunt it off to the side. As with many similar spells, this kind of magic can be overwhelmed by enough brute force.[/indent] [b]❖ Compellingly Clear ❖[/b] [indent][b]Advanced[/b] Force a person to tell the truth, and compel them to speak when asked a question. This spell is considered rather violating, and is rarely ever taught.[/indent] [b]❖ Eyes Unclouded ❖[/b] [indent][b]Mighty[/b] An inherent magic a magician imbues themself with. This power vastly increases one’s ability to react, giving them sort of ringing visions of incoming events seconds before they happen, and gently guiding the magician in the appropriate direction to respond.[/indent] [b]❖ The Invited Prophecy ❖[/b] [indent][b]Mighty[/b] A ritual involving three bowls of burning kindling and three clouds of thick, curling smoke. This spell allows a magician to glimpse otherworldly knowledge. If you mean to use this spell in a post, PM me, and I’ll fill you in on some useful information relevant to whatever direction your character is looking. This spell, and other Seathe spells of similar capabilities, can only be used once per page of the RPG. If you’re PMing me for information, please make sure you’re actually going to be using this spell.[/indent] [b]❖ Omen ❖[/b] [indent][b]Mighty[/b] A spell to create an overwhelming, terrifying vision. The faint of heart will likely be scared off, and even the steeliest person might momentarily flinch at the sight of this powerful prophetic force. This spell can’t differentiate between friends of enemies, though the caster can limit it to only appear to those in front of them, rather than everyone within a certain radius. Using this spell wears on the magician’s psyche quite greatly.[/indent] [b]❖ Vindicating Truth ❖[/b] [indent][b]Mighty[/b] A spell of ringing power to cut through the lies and darkness of the world, and cancel out a single opposing piece of magic. As with similar powerful magics, a single use of this spell can vastly wear out a magician, and the aftershock can vary depending on what sort of spell was just broken.[/indent] [/indent][/hider][/hider] [h3][u]T H E P R O M I S E D W O R D S [/u][/h3] [hider=An Enduring Hope] [i]The Promised Words have existed, in various forms, since the Nameless Years. They are gospels, and hymns, and prayers, and memories. They recount great heroes and tiny kindnesses from even before the Age of the Queens and the rise of the Nine Sisters (though, of course, it is hard to talk of kindness and heroes on Invernier without at mentioning the Sisters as well). To know the magic of the Promised Words requires the magician to cling to at least one thing of importance to them with powerful tenacity—either outright ardor or cool, quiet perseverance. It’s magic deals with endurance and perseverance above all else, as well as restoration and power.[/i] [u]Sample Spells: [/u] [hider=The Promised Words Spell List] [indent][b]❖ Evening Gospel ❖[/b] [indent][b]Simple[/b] Most likely based on Julieta’s concordance magic, this spell takes the form of a soft and simple song, and can momentarily bring back lost and treasured memories. Those that hear it feel old, happy memories as brightly and clearly as though they just happened.[/indent] [b]❖ Conqueror’s Oath ❖[/b] [indent][b]Simple[/b] A spell based on the legends of the King of Beggars, who rose up in a long lost kingdom during the first efernight while only a child, and eventually took power as a kind and just lord of men. This magic will weaken and momentarily frazzle enemy spells, and dampen the power of curses. This works best on spells that deal with harm and injury. [/indent] [b]❖ Vacation Day ❖[/b] [indent][b]Advanced[/b] A spell from one of the Nine Sisters, though it is unclear which one, remembering one day immediately after Viola successfully ascended as Queen of what was then called Candlemass, despite the mass opposition to her claim to power. It recalls a single sunny day, when the Nine were together, happy, basking in the glow of their victory. There were no great cities yet, no great conquests, or tragedies. Their future was full of possibility. This spell can temporarily postpone a person’s injuries for about an hour, and will even erase crippling blows, though in the end, all injuries must eventually return.[/indent] [b]❖ The Stalwart Soldier ❖[/b] [indent][b]Advanced[/b] A memory of a small child who saw her village burn to the ground. This spell invokes te memory of the knight who picked her up when she sprained her ankle and carried her to safety, shielding her with his body. The spell calls up a powerful magical armor to protect the magician, though it is more powerful if used to protect another person.[/indent] [b]❖ Child’s Hymn ❖[/b] [indent][b]Advanced[/b] A prayer of fairy tales and children’s stories, and faith in the impossible. This uncommon, extremely unusual spell can be used in conjunction with another piece of magic to enhance the power of the second spell, and is taught almost exclusively in Nomadic circles in the land of Milos.[/indent] [b]❖ Inger’s Kindness ❖[/b] [indent][b]Mighty[/b] A spell that came from a single beggar, who one day bumped into Queen Inger MacDowenmarch herself. Though he expected some kind of punishment for inconveniencing and touching the infamously cold Queen of Quishan, Inger treated him with rather surprising kindness and respect, gifted him a substantial donation, before wordlessly going on her way. Inger’s Kindness is a spell that can only be used when a magician is backed into a corner and barely standing. It’s power acts as a sort of second wind, imbuing the magician with titanic strength, stamina, and a momentary burst of magical power, and will restore minor flesh wounds, though once it’s been used it can’t be used again for the same situation.[/indent] [b]❖ Naveen’s Sacrifice ❖[/b] [indent][b]Mighty[/b] An extraordinarily powerful spell based on the story of Naveen Sunwalker’s Last Stand. This spell remembers selflessness and courage, and allows the magician to drain away their strength and power to shield their companions with a ghostly protective force, and greatly enhance any magic they may attempt.[/indent] [b]❖ Disdain ❖[/b] [indent][b]Mighty[/b] A spell to dismiss the evil of others, and cling to hope against all odds. This spell can shatter any weapon, and cannot be countered by opposing magic. If a weapon is too heavily enchanted to be broken on the initial casting, then this spell will fracture, or even completely melt away the opposing spell. This magic can only be used to break items explicitly meant to be used as weapons, and, like many other powerful spells based on shows of willpower, is enormously taxing to cast.[/indent] [/indent][/hider][/hider] [h3][u]T H E D O L D R U M S [/u][/h3] [hider=Magic of the Earth] [i]A soft and cool magic that deals heavily with earth and darkness. The Doldrums can be learned by practitioners of any temperament, as though a piece of it had been sitting dormant inside you all along, and, much like Old Soot, bits and pieces of its magic are known all across Invernier. The Doldrums were one of the magical styles developed heavily by Miranda Newcastle, along with early spells that would later be incorporated into the later style of Old Soot. Many spells were developed for the purpose of protecting and shielding, though this style more than any other has seen many interfering hands and experimentations over the years.[/i] [u]Sample Spells: [/u] [hider=The Doldrums Spell List] [indent][b]❖ Clay of the Giants ❖[/b] [indent][b]Simple[/b] A spell that draws soft and cool clay from out of the earth. When laid on someone, the Clay can suck away sickness and exhaustion. More advanced versions of this spell can deal with more serious illnesses and weakness. Though this magic can’t actually heal injuries, it is one of the few kind of magic that heals sickness and impurity.[/indent] [b]❖ Earthly Kiss ❖[/b] [indent][b]Simple[/b] A spell to protect one’s body with the toughness of earth. Roughly equivalent to a piece of chainmail armor, though significantly less heavy. Advanced versions of this spell are more powerful, and can be extended to other people.[/indent] [b]❖ The Forgiving Earth ❖[/b] [indent][b]Simple[/b] A minor spell to clear, harden, reshape and make manageable difficult terrain, such as steep inclines and marshland. Eminently useful for travelers, though it takes a good deal of time to Forgive especially difficult terrain. [/indent] [b]❖ The Unforgiving Mother ❖[/b] [indent][b]Advanced[/b] A spell to collapse and make inhospitable the ground beneath ones feet. This can be useful for covering one’s tracks, or for disrupting an incoming enemy with soggy, collapsing marshland, or even breaking off a chunk of earth below a foes feet. [/indent] [b]❖ Bathed in Night ❖[/b] [indent][b]Mighty[/b] A useful spell that allows a person to walk freely through solid stone and earth, and to guide others through alongside them. Nastier variants of this spell can be used to give another person the overwhelming feeling that they are being buried alive, and give them a terrible shortness of breath. If uninterrupted, this inversion of the spell can outright suffocate someone.[/indent] [b]❖ Dark of the Moon ❖[/b] [indent][b]Mighty[/b] A shadowy veil that can be draped over a group of people. While not true invisibility, it does make someone hard to see, as well las muffling their footsteps, and dampening magical attempts at detection and magical attacks.[/indent] [b]❖ Beggar’s Shelter ❖[/b] [indent][b]Mighty[/b] Sculpt a warm and comfortable hole out of the earth. It takes some time to implement a spell of this power. This power can also be used to augment the defenses and efertide resistance of a small shelter.[/indent] [/indent][/hider][/hider] [/hider]