[center][b]Almere, Summer of 1982[/center][/b] Up in Almere, things were happening. None of which are of any concern or particularly unique; especially not the things happening to the Chocola family. These totally not important things were happening at the Almere police department; one of the family members listening to the name of ''Quintis'' was doing his utmost to talk one of his family members out of jail. As he always did. Again, the cop told him he should become a lawyer; again, he told the cop that's not really his groove. Just a normal day in Almere. On his way home, Quintis came across a military recruiting station. His first thought was ''Bestaan deze dingen hier?'' That's Dutch for ''Do these things exist?'' His second thought was that... Maybe he should try helping people in a different way than watering their flowers and talking them out of jail. Maybe he should join the army. [center][b]Seedorf barracks, November 10th of 1983[/center][/b] For David, there was no fancy flashback. He lived in the present and future, not the past; the past happened, no sense in thinking about that. All of this was for the future; even if his future wasn't exactly the new gold dream he had imagined for himself. These were his exact thoughts, translated to English for convenience. David was a dreamer, even while emptying his tank's storage boxes to make room for his beloved four-stringed rhythm instruments known as bass guitars. He wasn't particularly inclined towards socialising with his fellow military men, for one simple reason: football club songs hurt his sensitive musical soul. He took a short break, sitting down atop the tank's turret. His sunken in eyes peered out into this new world; behind those eyes was a whirlpool of information and song lyrics. The information mostly consisted of the specs of his new ride, and the song lyrics were the words to Simple Minds' ''New Gold Dream''. He made a mental note that it'd be really cool to write ''crashing beats and fantasy'' on the tank's side. Something to discuss with his crew. [hider=OOC stuff!] Character sheets for referenceeeeeeee Name: Quintis Chocola Age: 22 Description: A bear of a man. 1.96 metres tall, naturally muscular, capable of breaking anyone unfortunate enough to anger him in two. Like a true son of Suriname, he has dark skin and smiles a lot, his white teeth forming a stark contrast with his skin. Brown eyes. In a long-gone past, he had hair; it is completely gone now, though. His bald head leaks surprisingly stylish. Personality-wise, Quintis likes laughing, flowers, music, and all the good things in life. Peaceful, but not a pacifist; he also has undying enthusiasm and a good sense of humour, taking whatever life throws at him and laughing at it. He isn't stupid, though, being surprisingly quick-witted and having a gift for languages. As mentioned before, he is peaceful, but absolutely not a pacifist. Push him far enough, and he'll be angry just like any person; if you're unlucky enough to anger him, run. His muscular body makes him quite the opponent in any brawl, and he'll snap anyone who he doesn't like in two. In combat, Quintis generally laughs a lot and has a knack for cracking jokes while under fire. In a sense, he's the perfect driver, keeping his cool while under fire; he does need very close instructions from the commander, since he lacks tactical insight, and therefore isn't confident in his own tactical skills. In Dutch army terms: A1 B1 O1 H1 Z1 I1 S1 Background: Born in the beautiful country of Suriname, emigrated to The Netherlands after his home country became independent, along with about half of his fellow sons and daughters of Suriname. Wound up in the beautiful, typical Dutch city of Almere, where he enjoyed a peaceful youth of tending to the flowers, living the good life with his friends, and getting in trouble with the police. Unlike other cases, the army didn't happen to him; he happened to the army. He showed up at the recruitment office on one sunny day with his infectious smile and a motivation to do something fun and possibly useful with his life. To him, the army was a way to meet new people and do something for the country which had been so friendly to him; to the army, he was the perfect candidate for driving tanks around, tanks to his massive muscular mass. Unit: 41. Pantserbrigade Role: Driver Equipment: UZI, combat knife, saxophone Rank: Korporaal (corporal) Misc. Name: David Steenbruggen Age: 23 Description: Tall and slender, as a true bassist should be; he stands 1.84 metres tall and weighs a grand total of... 66kg, putting him in the ''almost underweight'' category. As a true bassist should be. Even if he is a tad slender, he is by no means weak, his shoulders easily capable of lifting a vintage MusicMan Stingray bass. Or a 120mm shell, in a pinch. Like a true new-waver, he has a pale skin and sunken in deep blue eyes, with a blonde Derek Forbes hairdo protecting his scalp from the cold and not being fabulous. The sunken in eyes are accentuated by the copious amounts of eyeliner he wears, like a true new waver. Mentally, he's just as a new waver should be as well: quiet, calm and laid back, with a certain air of mysticism surrounding him... Right until the moment someone pisses him off, in which case someone's gonna find out just how badly a Fender Precision Bass can hurt when it hits this someone's skull. In combat, it's generally the new waver side which is showing; behind the piercing eyes is a mess of data and ideas on various military subjects; tactics, doctrines, intel on various Russian-made materiel... And song lyrics and slap bass techniques. He rarely speaks when in thought, only to give orders or curse as only a Dutchman can. Off-duty, the mystic aura remains, though he tends to be a slight bit more talkative. His taste in music describes his personality well; one would find plenty of Simple Minds, Joy Division, Japan and Depeche Mode on his Walkman. In official Dutch Army ratings: A2 B1 O2 H2 Z1 I1 S3 Background: David hails from the beautiful, idyllic Dutch city of Utrecht, where he enjoyed a happy, typically Dutch youth of street fights, failing school and making music. David was always a bit of an outcast, with his affinity for guitars of different kinds and wearing make-up once he reached his puberty years, fitting in perfectly with the punk and new wave movements. And then the army happened. He made a valiant attempt to get disqualified from the army by means of peanut butter, a teddy bear and a dissolved cigarette (hence the S3 rating), but it didn't save him from the army. While he was quite capable of lifting heavy instruments and tank shells, he wasn't particularly impressive on foot; this landed him in the Dutch armour divisions, his intelligence (and education as an officer, which he chose to take) making him a perfect candidate for the role of tank commander. Unit: 41. Pantserbrigade Role: tank commander Equipment: UZI, combat knife, Fender Precision Bass coloured Candy Apple Red and modded with a pickup cover, Walkman Rank: Wachtmeester Misc. [/hider]