Almost literally vibrating with excited energy, Thaddeus rushed to the facility towards which his letter had instructed him to go, arriving there what seemed, to him, like an eternity later (but, in reality, was mere moments after he had left). Stopping briefly outside the building, Thad scarfed down one of the nutrient bars his mother had designed to accommodate the intake demanded by those with mutations similar to hers, and then augmented to account for the further increase in appetite and metabolism that Thad's mutation introduced, before running the rest of the way to the designated meeting room, getting there somewhat earlier than he had intended. Upon such a warm welcome, with Thaddeus returning the hug as enthusiastically as he got it, and almost before it actually got to him, he looked around, saying "I guess I shouldn't be surprised that I was the first one here besides the leader; I am a bit excited at the prospect of exploring somewhere completely new!" With a slight bow, he introduced himself to the woman in front of him, saying "Thaddeus Fitch, at your service! Though most folks just call me Thad," he said with a grin. "I take it you're the lovely Keilan the letter mentioned we would be meeting?" he added, after a very brief pause.