That smoldering touch could almost reduce Hisame to cinders if she let it; if only they could remain locked within their private paradise perpetually. Their soon-to-be bittersweet romance destined to halt like a speeder at a red light and reveal the truth she adamantly resisted. She knows it's only a matter of time before the serpent slithers its way in to deliver a single, potent bite he will not be able to endure. Until then she is a thief of time but she expects that her adversary will attempt a cunning lure; for if it cannot make [i]her[/i] move to accomplish its desire then it will seek to accomplish it through [i]him[/i]. The tiny amount of happiness Magnixx has bestowed keeps her smiling self-deceptively as she ponders his words. That's until she hears the very real BOOM of a gunshot echo like thunder from outside; then a voice calling to them from downstairs: a masculine pitch riddled with caution and confusion. "Hey, what the hell is this?! Who messed up my barn and house?! Show yourselves!" "Is that the owner?" she inquires while sitting up. "He doesn't sound pleased." Her eyes and movements follow the king before she rises to slip on her kimono and ties it. Hisame presumes they'll venture to speak to him together but doesn't leave the room until he does, standing with folded arms at the doorway in expectation he'll lead the way. What may obviously be the trap she's awaited could very well not be and if the farmer found her sword then it will only make her acquirement of it that much more inevitable.