Derrick ran as fast as he could. The plan hadn't worked out exactly like he'd hoped but it hadn't come to nothing either. Whether it had backfired or not was up for debate but it wasn't unsalvageable. And if his teammates had managed to do something then the plan had technically succeeded, though in the best case scenario he'd come out of his plan intact. He ran through the clearest path he could, mainly for speed but also to make sure that the jailer didn't fly above him. Derrick could feel the cold behind him, and kept running. He ducked between two standing bookcases and swept his halberd behind him as he cleared them, hoping to topple one of them as he ran. He didn't wait to see the results of his action, he was too busy looking for more bookcases to put between him and the jailor. [@Dusksong][@Hekazu]