Yumi continued looking at the many parts in the bucket having to grab a tray for the small pieces she needed and the parts she was replacing with others or adding. "Spiked knuckles from the masurao, the shield booster from the hazel units, feet from the mr bushido ahead, rifle pieces from the rifle from the brave commander type." Yumi said aloud her head already constructing the kit and how she wanted to look in her head. Seeing as she had all the pieces she grabbed a seat and started to get to work building the union flag and quickly started painting it the colors of the Graham Aker custom flag. "Ok people it seems you all have your ideas in place now shall we make this interesting? I propose a challenge if any of you feel confident enough you can challange me to a one on one match your mp suit vs one of my own kits. Than if you manage to damage my suit at the end of the battle I'll give you for free two kits of your choice" Sakuya said a large smirk gracing her lips this was a bit unorthadox but it would allow her to grasp just how much they need to work on and where they shine.