[hr][hr][center][h1][color=00ccff]Cecily[/color] & [color=99ccff]Iris[/color][/h1][hr]Location: Justice Asylum For The Criminally Insane: the Ludwig Building [/center][hr][hr]Iris' search in Cynthia's room appeared to amount to rather little. And by rather little, it would be more correct to state nothing at all. Sighing, the young doctor sat down on the bed and put her face in her hands, feeling powerless and useless once more. She could not leave the room without ignoring the agent's instructions. She had alerted the asylum to the hostage situation, yet as far as she could tell, it hadn't helped matters at all. All Iris did know was that an orderly was dead and her patient had a good chance of being next. She knew rather little about hostage situations herself, but a gut feeling told her this wouldn't end well. Huffing a bit, she mumbled under her breath, [color=99ccff]"J'ai l'utilité d'un chou."[/color] She only rose her head slowly as she heard the sound of the sirens approaching, hoping that it wasn't too late for Cynthia. Cecily, meanwhile, didn't know Keystone enough just yet to tell if he was being serious. From the way Proserpine spoke about Tutwiler, it didn't [i]sound[/i] like an alcoholic beverage to her. His jolly tone, combined with his huge stature, only further confused the young coroner. And of course, it wasn't like Cecily had an extensive knowledge of alcohol to begin with. As far as she knew, Tutwiler could have actually been an alcoholic drink. But reconsidering it, Cecily instead came to the conclusion that Keystone was perhaps trying to aggravate Proserpine. It certainly was the more logical idea, at any rate...though, she wasn't too sure what irritating the woman would accomplish. Her thoughts were dismissed quickly, however, as she jumped a bit, seeing Caesar appear behind Proserpine. She felt like she had blinked and in that moment, the heavily scarred Mexican had appeared, gun in hand. And while Cecily was quite certain that Caesar even [i]glaring[/i] at her would be enough to get her to sign over pretty much everything she owned, Caesar's threats appeared to do nothing to Proserpine. Hell, the woman [i]laughed[/i], as if she was Harley Quinn or the Joker. The news that Proserpine claimed to not have killed Alicia was troubling, at the very least...Though Cecily wasn't certain if she could take Proserpine's word at face value. She didn't see the logic in trusting someone's word when it came to murder and destruction--science would always have the answers, after all. [color=00ccff]"Damnit,"[/color] Cecily cursed under her breath, seeing Proserpine escape with her daughter. She yelped instinctively as glass scattered everywhere down the hallway, ducking slightly with her head down, almost resembling a turtle hiding in its shell.