[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=cyan]Emmie Adams[/color][/h1] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/bf996fce47e5dc739e6e5c1bab9f1ab6/tumblr_mn40py5iSV1qhdswno5_400.gif[/img] [I]Location: Fifth Floor Andromeda's Room Interacting With: [@Morose] Aloise Zamora.[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Emmie watched as Aloise took Sera's keys and wallet putting them into a pocket, her eyes looking up and meeting Aloise's for a moment and gave her a slight nod. Seraphina would want her to do something to keep her mind off of just losing her, wiping her nose with her sleeve and then sniffled ever so slightly. Whatever the wardrobe Sera did mention probably was something that was really important, as Emmie took a deep sigh. [color=cyan]"Sounds like a plan to me.."[/color] Emmie said softly as she started to head up the stairs, she took a moment to stop looking into Andromeda's room. Seeing Sera's body laying there she just wished she could have done something to save Sera from death, Emmie then turned and continued her way up towards the attic Emmie wiped away a few more tears. Once she was there Emmie looked around the attic for awhile until she spotted Andromeda and approached her looking over at the wardrobe Emmie stepped closer to it. Emmie then reached for the handles of the wardrobe quickly pulling the doors open, taking a step back she stared at the portal that was inside of it. [color=cyan]"What is this?"[/color] Emmie asked looking over at Andromeda as she stood there looking at it, it was like something out of a Narnia.